Goodbye Lucy (pt. 1)

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Natsu woke up to the smell of something sweet and laughter coming from the kitchen. He yawned and walked to the kitchen.

"Natsu! You're awake!" Lucy cheered as she tossed a pancake onto a plate.

"Just in time! We just finished making breakfast!" Wendy added and sat down at the table.

The two exceeds were already sitting patiently at the table. Natsu took a seat next to Wendy and stared at the pancakes.

"Eat up!" Lucy said as she poured syrup on her own pancakes.

"How do we eat this...?" Natsu asked with a fork in hand.

"Ehh?! Nii-San has never eaten pancakes!?" Wendy shouted and Natsu nodded.

"Here, Natsu. I'll put syrup on your pancake." Lucy suggested and poured syrup onto his pancakes.

"Now take the fork and cut into it. It should be easy to cut into because it's soft." Wendy instructed. The two girls watched as the pinky ate his first pancake.

"Sugoi! This is good!" Natsu exclaimed in amazement.

"Nii-San you're funny." Wendy giggled and finished her pancakes. The group headed out after their breakfast.

It was a warm day with a clear sky and no wind. Lucy couldn't help but smile. Her smile vanished as they neared the park. There was a crowd around the big tree in the middle and it seemed serious.

"Let's go see what's happening." Lucy suggested and headed towards the commotion. The group followed behind her.

"What's going on?" Wendy asked a lady.

The lady shook her head and the crowd parted for the Fairy Tail mages to see what the commotion was about. On the tree was Jet, Droy, and Levy pinned onto the tree but cuffs and it looked like they were roughed up pretty badly, too.

"Levy-chan!" Lucy screamed the solid script mage's name.

"Master..." Lucy could hear Wendy murmur and heard the faint tapping of the master's staff.

"Destroying our guildhall was something I could overlook but laying their hands on my children will not be tolerated!" Master Makarov shook in anger and crushed his staff.

The crowd parted for the other members of Fairy Tail to see the damage that was done.

"Gramps what will we do! We can't just leave it like this!" Gray shouted as he stared at his three guild mates in pain.

"We go to war!" The old man roared out of anger. The guild members took the trip pinned to the tree down and handed them over to Wendy after the crowd dispersed.

"Wendy, please watch over them with me. I will need you to nurse them back to health with your magic." Mira told the small girl. She nodded in understanding.

"I'll stay and help, too." Lucy said to which Mira nodded.

"What about Chaos?" Erza asked making the master shake his head.

"Natsu, you'd rather stay here and be with Lucy and Wendy, right?" Natsu nodded.

"Then it's settled. Let's go." Gray urged the master.

"Master! Take Chaos! He'll be a great help to us!" Someone shouted with various agreements.

"No. Natsu wants to stay here so he will not be forced to go." The guild master replied and with that said they left for Phantom Lord.

"Nii-San, bring Levy, Jet, and Droy to the infirmary." Wendy ordered.

"Okay." Natsu carried team Shadow Gear into the infirmary and placed them on the beds.

"Natsu! Do you mind helping me with this?" Lucy yelled from the other room.

Natsu exited the room and turned a corner to see Lucy carrying boxes and boxes of stuff.

"What is all this?" Natsu asked as he took most of the boxes.

"Bandages." Lucy replied simply. Natsu sighed.

"We don't need this much." The blonde yelled to protest when a voice interrupted her.

"Lucy! I can help you!" Mira chirped at her as the bar maid saw them.

"It's no problem Mira! Natsu is enough help." Lucy smiled

Mirajane stared uneasily but said nothing. She walked with the duo to the infirmary.

"How are they?" Lucy asked as Wendy wiped her brow.

"They should be fine. They have a few broken bones that I can't heal. I'm just not experienced enough." Wendy replied, hanging her head.

"You did great." Natsu patted the small girl's head and smiled at her. Her face brightened up instantly.

"I'm going to get groceries you two!" Lucy told them as she grabbed her purse. Mira had went to clean out the library so Lucy decided to make something to eat.

"We'll come, too!" Wendy shouted and dragged Natsu along.

"You guys didn't have to come." Lucy said as she giggled.

"Of course we do! Something might happen." Wendy replied. The trio had soon arrived at the grocery store and were now going through the list.

"The last thing we need is some carrots!" The group headed to the check out line after getting the carrots.

After paying Wendy and Natsu headed to the guild with 4 grocery bags while Lucy headed to her apartment with 2 of the bags. As it started to rain Lucy groaned out loud. The food would get all wet.

"Drip drip drop." The blonde looked up to see a pale woman with blue hair and an umbrella walking towards her.

Suddenly, the woman stopped a few feet in front of here and looked straight at her.

"Gajeel-San says that you hang around with Chaos. This will be the only opportunity to get you alone." The woman said.

"Who are you?" Lucy asked as she lit her hand on fire.

"That won't work on Juvia. Water lock." The woman waved her hand and Lucy was instantly in a ball of water.

Lucy banged her fists on the walls of the barrier but nothing happened. She didn't try using her flames when they were going to be extinguished. She soon used up all her strength and became unconscious.

Back at the guild Wendy and Natsu paced around uneasily.

"What's taking Lucy so long?" Wendy wondered out loud while fiddling with her thumbs.

"I'll go look for her." Natsu said and walked towards the exit.

"I'll go, too! I want to help!" Natsu nodded and the two set off.

The first place they looked was Lucy's apartment but there were no signs that she was there. The two looked around the area, looking for signs of the beautiful blonde, but found nothing. Just as Wendy was about to give up something caught her eye.

She shook her head. The small girl was sure it was only her imagination but she still wanted to check. She walked closer and instantly recognized the familiar pouch.

'It was Lucy's! She put her keys in there and carries it everywhere!' Wendy picked it up.

"Nii-San! I found something!" Natsu turned around and looked in her hand.

"What's this?" Natsu asked with a raised brow.

"It belongs to Lucy. She carries it everywhere even thought she never uses it. Something must've happened!" Wendy exclaimed.

"I promise I'll bring you, Lucy!"

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