Chapter 25: The Doomed and The Dead

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Chapter 25: Seraphina's POV

Alan nods one way to signal his directions instead of speaking them and chance being heard. I subtly nod in acceptance, taking the right as he goes left onto the stage. I slowly inch forward, crossing more and more distance to being on the stage when I finally get close enough to see the scene Al and I had heard from outside the venue. 

DJ X has Edgar pinned down with a sword hovering above his neck. My eyes force themselves away from the entire scene before they get lost in Edgar's pained expression. Alan pops up from the other side of the backstage area, bobbing his head three times to mimic a countdown and when he gets to five we sneak onto the platform, front and center- hidden by the shadows. DJ X continues talking fully about his self and how he fought alongside great warriors, mastering blah blah blah blah blah. 

Alan and I glance at each other, his expression showing annoyance at his guy's arrogance and I'm 1000% sure my face mimics his. We wait for the right time, knowing that going too soon could compromise Edgar due to him being in the crossfire. "And do you know what the first rule of combat is?" The vampire moves his arms back, the spear head away from Edgar's throat in preparation to ram it back down. 

As he launches it forward, Alan and I move our own weapons on to block his, saving Edgar from getting punctured to death. "Yea. Don't monologue." We answer simultaneously, before I yank my spear upward and toss his back to the side to give Edgar the space to get his ass up from the caged platform. "No one likes an asked for soapbox performance. And quite frankly, yours was exactly that." I add, earning a growl from the DJ who flies backward as Alan swings his sword toward the vamp. 

Edgar begins to stand to his feet, clearly injured but not enough for him to tap out of this battle. I pick up his sword and extend my arm out to hand it to him. My eyes refuse to meet his, knowing it'd end up in me being distracted for a second which could cost someone their life. My feet run forward, seeing a weak side in the vampire as his and Alan's weapons clash against one another. 

I swipe at the Dj's side, slicing it the slightest to which he hisses in pain before flying at me to knock me over. I duck, but he circles back around much quicker than I had anticipated. His spear manages to nick my cheek, drawing blood and a satisfied smirk on his face. With the smug expression, he lands feet from me and I take him by surprise, kicking my foot out and swiping beneath his feet. Before he lands on his ass, he flies back up onto his feet and swinging his spear around like a magical staff. 

Alan, Edgar, and I take on all sides of him in hopes it'd either exert him or catch him off guard for a split second so one of us can strike and kill. However, as Alan swings his sword which had nearly brushed the vampire's hand, DJ X uses his super speed to deter Edgar from his move, punching him in the face instead. Edgar collapses for a moment to his knees and as Alan moves in to protect his brother, the vampire spins, hurling Alan through the air until his body slams into the stage wall. Immediately, I charge forward with my sword out and slice his leg. 

Our own battle begins, and I hold my own equally as well as the vampire, clearly taking him by surprise as he falters for a moment, allowing me to stab him in the left side. "I guess your lifetimes of fighting didn't include modern techniques." I tease as he instinctively reaches for his wound while his eyes glaze over with a new hatred in them. 

"You're a worthy opponent and perhaps I have underestimated you. But a great warrior never makes that mistake twice." He uses his superspeed to jab his spear forward and up, knocking my sword from my hand, and I slide nearly inhumanly fast to the side knowing he is going for a straight shot at my stomach. The tip of his spear catches my side, ripping part of my shirt but overall having done no collateral damage besides drawing a small amount of blood. 

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