Chapter 24: Boys Are Back

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Chapter 24: Seraphina's POV

The desk lies untouched, only the decorative items placed neatly around the table top are the objects that rest among it. An exasperated groan escapes my lips, my head tilting back to further express my unrest from all that my conscience refuses to let me forget. For months, even a couple before I had whispered goodbye to Alan, there had been wisps of 'leaked information' about some kind of rave across the way on the sort of secluded island. DJ X would be the header and no doubt, teens and young adults from across the globe would come to hear the elusive DJ mix his music. I'd always gotten a twist in my gut when hearing the incredibly soft hums of the event. But now that I had put it together, it made perfect sense. DJ X was pushing out blood as fake drugs and creating a shit ton of bloodsucker infestation. And the two people I would call about such, I couldn't.

My hands clasp over my face as my feet pull me from one side of the room to the next like I am on autopilot. Earlier I had considered going in by myself, posing as a raver to kill DJ X which would kill the vampiric personalities of those who had drank the blood for the first time. However, my promise to the Frog Brothers, though years and years ago, I still hold close to my heart prevented me from taking on the hunt by myself. A light rapping at the door knocks me from my mental dilemma for a moment- something I deeply appreciate because there's a moment of quiet in my head.

My fingers quickly unlatch each individual lock on the door before wrapping themselves around the knob and twisting it open only to pull it back and reveal a rather old friend. I allow my eyes to rake up and down his form- the attire he's adorning and a fond smile tugs at the corner of my lips. He's wearing his camouflage long sleeve jacket and matching cargo pants with black boots, a black shirt beneath said jacket, and his black beret- he's in bloodsucker hunter mode tonight. Before he can bother asking, I step aside to give him room and offer a gentle, "You're always invited in, Alan."

There's a tension rising between us, all the words we left unsaid the day I whispered my goodbye swimming between the two of us and neither of us want to acknowledge them. We both are well aware but too unsure- too terrified or hurt to open our damn mouths. The anticipation of him sitting at my dining table so nonchalantly while there's that occupied look in his eye is killing me. He's battling with himself and my senses are going bizarre knowing he needs my help. "What happened, Alan?" His gaze snaps upward to meet mine, his lips parting to say something until i add, "Why are you here?" to guide his next words to the point.

"I can't come visit-"

A guffaw passes my lips, my body turning away from the front door I'd locked to fully face the half- vampire. "It's daylight and you actually left your house to come find me. I haven't seen you in months- five and twenty three days to be exact. So why are you here?"

The raven haired man I recall from my first few weeks after moving to Santa Carla, returns for a handful of moments. He sprints to the other side of the room then back to his chair for a minute to process something he isn't saying. "Edgar went on a hunt by himself."

Spluttering sounds throughout my dining area as I choke on the water I decided to finish while waiting for Alan to speak and I suddenly regret it. Regaining my composure, I shrug my shoulders though my choking had already given away my genuine concern for my estranged friend. "Why should I suddenly care about his doings?"

Walking towards me, Alan tries to get the complete read of me in, but ends up backing me into the wall. "I know you care, Ser. Even after all the shit we did because we're assholes. I know you're the person who continues to leave money tucked in a black envelope between the glass and wood. I also know you paid the bank for Ed's property and trailer. And I'm concerned because it's not just any regular hunt. His current case is to take down the all father of bloodsuckers." Considering his words carefully in my head and learning his reason for being here, I roll my head to rest against the wall behind me for a moment to deeply think about his words.

"Alan, he-I-look-"

I get stuck in the darkening jade of his eyes and the gentleness in his features hidden by the constant tire and warriness. Instinctively my left hand lands palm open against his right cheek, caressing the icy skin that's not seen sun for half a decade. Just like he always has in my touch, he melts his stiff exterior and nuzzles his cheek further into my touch. "He still cares about you the same way you care about him. Even more than he's ever let on- it's just how he is. And while I normally wouldn't mind him doing it on his own, it's an allfather alpha." His voice is just a level above a whisper, showing his vulnerability for the first time in five years.

Of course he worried himself over Edgar and I continuing the Frog Brother tradition of vampire hunting after he'd been turned, but not this deeply. And I know it's because he can sense something is off and not right. "You believe him this time? That it is the alpha of all vampires?"

Desperation seeps from his darkened eyes to hit heartbroken voice. "I can feel it. And I know I-"

I grow tired of seeing the pain in his eyes and the heartbreak in his voice so I interrupt his plea by backing up, removing my touch. Wordlessly, my feet and body walk in the direction of my room to change out of my rather unfitting pajamas, not quite the best attire for vampire ass kicking. "I'm assuming that's a yes?" Alan calls out as I cross the threshold into my room. My shoulders rise and fall as I glance over my left shoulder, sending him a small smirk to answer his question.

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