Chapter 6: Bothersome Bickering

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Chapter 6: Third Person POV

Coming from the back exit of the ice cream shop, the two brothers had been quietly strolling through the boardwalk with their own cones they just recently finished. The pair hadn't done this since their parents had begun getting high all the time and they became hyperaware of the deadly night crowd. Sam's recent phone call to them had been left undiscussed between the pair as each dealt with the heavy realization of Sam's true predicament.

Sure, Edgar had more or less demanded Sam or Seraphina stake their brother through the heart and even offered his and his brother's talents to them to do it, even called him stupid in his own words when Sam refused. But deep down- maybe not deep enough- he knew if Alan had ever been turned, there would be hell to pay for vampires everywhere and he too would be unable to stake him through the heart.

Alan had fallen silent while Sam loudly disagreed with the advice Edgar had given him. Though Alan was often lost in his thoughts and could be quiet often, this time he didn't want to think about it. About anything. It was the hardest pill imaginable for him to swallow. They had made it through all the cards life had dealt them this far so he couldn't imagine anything worse. And Edgar turning into a vampire? Though difficult, he would manage and find a way to turn him back to human. They had grown up together- had to grow up together instead of as acting as normal kids, especially him.

Now both boys are strolling around the corner when they hear light crying. When they round the corner, they find the source tucked away into a ball with their arms pressed against their knees and their hands over their ears. Pleas so light and almost barely audible in such a consistent run through breaks both boys' hearts though Edgar would never admit it aloud. The brothers share a gaze before turning back to the girl.

Alan crouches in front of her, trying to find any sign of a physical assault or any peek of her face to get an idea of who it is. When he nears her, a slight putrid smell enters his nose and he sits back on his heels to give himself needed space.

Edgar, however, allows his eyes to wander around the space to see if there are any witnesses just watching. But then his eyes fall onto a familiar burnt orange bag lain a couple feet away from the girl with an open book laying ontop, its pages fluttering in the wind. "Hey, Al." Edgar begins, wanting to point out the familiar item to justify the identification in his head. Alan is so focused on the smell coming from the girl that he doesn't hear his brother until Edgar's kneeled beside him. "Al-"

"She smells. There's something odd here." Alan interrupts him, the odor filling Edgar's nose too which he winces from the strength of it. "Vampire-" Seeing as his brother is not listening for once, Edgar grabs his brother's face between his palms and forces it in the direction of the backpack. "That looks like-"

"Seraphina's. Yea. I know. But how are we sure?"

Edgar had clearly forgotten what she had been doing the day they spotted her on the boardwalk so Alan recalls it pretty quickly. "She was drawing the boardwalk park. Look for a sketchbook and maybe the comic book." His curly haired brother picks up the bag rather carefully, peering into the seemingly dark hole before sticking his hand in and sliding out a large spiral notebook. He drops it back into the bag then scrummages around for a few moments longer before gliding out the second vampire comic they'd given to Sam. "So it is her."

Alan says nothing more, deciding to reach for her shoulder when Edgar notices her continuous shaking. Before his brother can touch her shoulder, Edgar kneels by her feet and very gingerly places his palms against the tops of her knees. Her head lifts from its confines between her arms, eyes puffy as tears roll off her cheeks, yet her shaking doesn't stop. He felt a little out of place- sure he'd dealt with nightmares before when Alan had them, but this- this wasn't just some bad dream. He could tell by the ghosts glistening in her eyes that she is reliving something whether very recently or in her past and you can't just soothe them like you can a bad dream.

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