Chapter 5: Television Tangent

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Chapter 5: Third Person POV

All but forced out by her brothers, the shy female of the Emerson family tagged along with her mother to her job for the evening. Although aggravation runs through her veins at the fact her brothers had sent her out in fear of her somehow getting hurt by her older brother, a small grin crosses her lips as her Mom continues on and on about her new boss. "You've got a crush, don't you?" Seraphina teases as they pull into the employee section of the parking lot.

Baffled by the conclusion her daughter had come to, the blonde woman turns around in the driver seat after parking the car and raises an eyebrow. No words fall from her lips to deny the accusation, only widening Seraphina's knowing smile. "I-well-" Feeling as though she should deny the emotions swirling in her so she doesn't jump in so fast to a relationship when she, in fact, hasn't been single for long, her mother stutters out incomplete thoughts.

The curly haired brunette's smile grows into a grin at the sight of her pink flushed mother. Her hands raise to either side of her head, palms facing outward toward her mother as she shakes her head, "You don't owe me any explanations. Just yourself. As long as he is a good man and is kind to you in all ways." With these words, the youngest of her three children opens the door and exits the vehicle, only leaning back in to grab her sunkissed orange bag.

'Sometimes I wonder what decade she was actually born in,' Her mother thinks to herself, eyes drifting to the left side mirror to catch a glimpse of her only daughter already busied reading some piece of Shakespeare's. A final shake of her head to clear her thoughts other than work related, prepares her enough to move her out of her car and lock it before directing the pair toward the employee entrance to her work.


Clearly her mother has a thing for her boss as they'd already had dinner- or attempted to the other night before Sam so rudely cut it off with screaming about Michael. An excitement ran through her body for her mom who is a good woman 'A great woman actually', Seraphina considers silently as she watches the blonde woman interacting with a younger couple searching for the right electronic fixture for their home. The pair she's helping just can't stop grinning at the woman before them, even giving a few laughs at whatever she may be saying. 'Sam most definitely got his humor from her,' Her mind occupies itself momentarily with the fleeting comparison as the doorbell rings for the umpteenth time today before she can consider anything further about her excitement for her mom.

All day Seraphina had successfully kept to herself in the corner of the store, ducking her head down behind the worn out cover of a Shakespeare play or one of the other three additions she had brought with her to busy herself with. Nothing had caught her particular interest- not even the teenage girls near her age discussing how hot Johnny "whatever his name" was for a greaser. S.E. Hinton's novel did not deserve to be disgraced by their discussion of such miniscule matters while they ignored the entire purpose of the storyline because the actor was hot. Still it was not enough to lift her head from the novel she's reading now. But now- her inner alarms had begun to ring once more.

Fearful of running into the ruthless 'David', her eyes rise slowly up the page her eyes had been glued to for the last minute to peer over the top of the page just the slightest to see the new customer into the store. All she finds is a man with brunette hair who eagerly greets her mother with a wide grin, equally ecstatic as she had been in the car while rattling off about him. He pushes his glasses up to sit farther on his nose before he does a visual sweep of the store, eyes landing on the quiet Seraphina huddling into the corner. When their eyes lock, her entire body shudders and not in a good way. The same sense of 'off' but much heavier than that with Dwayne crashes over her senses, overloads them enough to make her wish she could be Kitty from X-Men and walk through walls.

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