Chapter 16: Dark Defamanation

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Chapter 16: (Seraphina's POV 2 years later)

A heavy weight settles against my chest suddenly momentarily stealing my breath as my lungs deflate after I exhale. My left hand lifts from Rizzo's head. I jolt upward onto my feet with an unknown, wholly unreasonable urgency. Something feels wrong and the heaviness grows with each passing moment, dread filling the place my previous comfort had been.

Rizzo whines from behind me on the sofa, now sitting with her eyes peering at me, awaiting any cue to act. She barks and for a moment I think there is an intruder in the house until she stands on all fours, runs across the cushions to the other end of the sofa only to place her right paw atop the phone resting on the nightstand. She barks again as my feet remain in place, only my eyes acting to watch her in confusion. In response she whines lowly, lying herself down beside the phone like she knows something I don't.

Giving in to the sensibility I trust Rizzo has, my bare feet pad across the beige carpeting to the phone. My hand hovers over it only to fill my entire being with a different- much darker- sensation which I know for sure means there is a vampiric being around me. Instinctively my body spins around, pulling my holy water coated dagger from beneath the phone, facing toward the intruder. Long lost blue eyes peer back at me, colored with shock and some value of impress causing my grip to loosen slightly on the handle. "Wha-what the hell are you doing here?"

His eyes are glowing as he steps into the dim lighting of the living room, a soft smile playing at his lips as he focuses solely on me. "It's been a long time, Ser. I've missed you so much." There's a sadness hardening his otherwise gentle features and a hesitation on his tongue like he's holding so much back from me. "I'm sorry-"

"You abandoned me. Your time limit for apologies to fix all the heartache and brokeness you created expired about fucking 1 year and 11 months ago. Cut the shit chit chat. What are you here for?" The tears well in my eyes as he unknowingly, or possibly full well knowing, opens the wounds that had never fully healed in his absence.

He steps forward to which I step back, afraid to fall into his arms helplessly and still aware he's most likely a full vampire by now. "I can't visit my sister?"

My head furiously shakes at the vampiric ego shining through. He's definitely fully turned. "Not after it's been three years since Michael called me. Fucking Michael, Sam. Michael called me. Not you. I heard him carelessly, emotionlessly tell me that you were gone. I searched for you. For two years- waited for you to walk through this fucking door." My finger recklessly jabs in the direction of the front door, my voice low and shaky. "I didn't care you were a vampire. We didn't care. We could have helped you. I could have helped you."

His eyes shift back to blue as he lets his defense fall away. "I didn't know what I wanted. But know I didn't want to hurt you or Edgar or Alan. I didn't want to accidentally feed off you. I tried to find the head vampire but couldn't. I was seduced by a vamp girl and turned fully. I gave up hope. And I am free." His genuinity warms my heart though it still aches in my chest for the loss of the relationship we had.

"All I wanted was to be there for you regardless of the path you took. I wanted to be there for you like you were for me, Sam. Be there when you needed me and you didn't let me." My eyes roam over his figure that's taller and filled out, a bit broader than I'd last seen him, but he's stood in the same old stance. "I know you didn't come out of the blue to just check in. So what are you doing here for real?"

His straightened posture deflates, his body folding partially in on itself as he hunches over in guilt. "I heard news and came to check its authenticity."

"Spit it out, Sam."

I can tell he's trying to be gentle with his wording but each second ticking by only uneases me more and more. "I- Edgar and Alan are on a hunt?" The dread from earlier worsens and an overwhelming urge to vomit consumes me yet I choke it back to actually hear what my brother has to say about his inquiry. "Some clan was talking about it and said they have plans to turn both brothers into vamps. Have you heard from them?"

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