Chapter 14: Birthday Blues

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Chapter 14: Seraphina's POV (5 Years Later)

Grinning devilishly, my hands reach in front of me with enough force that Alan stumbles to his left, straight into Edgar. The latter lands harshly against the edge of the countertop with his back pressed into it. Alan falls on top of him, half his body against Edgar while the other half is trying to hold his own weight against the countertop and off his brother. Laughter echoes in the apartment kitchen as I double over, glancing up every few seconds to look at the expressions across their faces. 

Catching the tell-tell of Alan's left eyebrow raise and the quirk on the right corner of his lips, my body goes into defensive mode instead of offensive. Nearly slipping due to my sock covered feet trying to run on slick wood-panelled floors, my left arm braces my body weight against the dining table just feet away when Alan barrels around the edge of it, toward me. A loud squeal escapes between my lips, turning to run away when I nearly smack into Edgar's chest. 

His right hand is nearly to my upper arm, yet I duck just in time to dodge his grasp. I run to the left of him and jump over the couch to escape the pair of them- or at least put distance between us for the time being. They do one of their signature silent conversations with a single look and I know I am going to be in for one hell of a punishment. 

Edgar slowly creeps toward me and out of sheer humor, I tease, "To be fair, I pushed Alan. I didn't think it was going to be dominoes with you two!" He pounces on one side and I had been so focused on him that Alan had enough time to get close to me. Edgar grabs me, turning me to face Alan to which I try to shrug him off my shoulders to free myself as Alan gets closer and closer. But then Edgar wraps his left arm across the top of my torso where my chest meets my collarbone and his right arm across my mid torso, the overall hold ensuring my arms are unmovable. His body mass acting as a strong enough and firm enough surface that I feel like I am being tied to a table. 

Alan's fingertips begin to poke at my sides then he moves one hand to my neck. I begin to laugh uncontrollably and to get away from Alan's touch, I push even farther against Edgar like I am capable of going through him. After squirming and pushing for a few moments more, I can't quit laughing and my head falls back against Edgar's shoulder, but as I give in Edgar seems to tense up- his body stiffening like he is closing himself off again. 

I turn my head trying to gauge his expression when Sam's voice rings out suddenly, "What did I just walk into?" 

"Sammy!" I excitedly call out, running to him as Edgar lets me go and Alan quits his tickle attack. Sam stumbles back a couple steps as I practically ram into his open arms, squeezing him to me after wrapping my arms around his waist. "You're here!" 

His laugh rumbles through his body, shaking me due to my grip on him. "Well, if you go outside there is another surprise." I raise my eyebrow at him as I pull back from my blonde brother, searching his eyes for an answer. My body spins to face the Frog Brothers pointing between the pair going to ask them a question, but Sam places his hands on my shoulders and shoves me toward the front door. 

Cautiously, mentally preparing myself for something jumping out at me, I slowly amble towards the front door. The familiar beat of "Footloose" loudly plays from the other side of the door. I pause for a moment with a smile on my face, but wondering what Sam is playing at. I hadn't seen him in a year and some odd months after he decided to move away from us three at this apartment- and here he is, suddenly at our meeting place. "Open the door," Alan advises to which I jump, startled by his sudden appearance. 

Twisting the knob, I yank the door open quickly and freeze at the sight of Michael leaning cooly against Grandpa Emerson's old car with Star beside him and Laddie in the backseat with an unfamiliar girl. "MIKEY!" I yell, nearly tripping over myself as I race down the couple of steps towards him. He steps forward, briskly walking towards me until I run and jump into his arms, throwing my arms around his neck. 

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