Chapter 20: Family First PT 2

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Chapter 20: Seraphina's POV

My body leans back against the side of the truck's bed, my head resting against the window where I know Edgar is just on the other side of the glass. "Is he your boyfriend?" Evan inquires from beside me, much more talkative now than he had been when I first managed to miraculously get him into the bed of the truck. My head shakes to respond to his question that I often got in my youth when we went out together in public. "But he gave you that necklace that you wear all the time. Right?" I nod. "And it clearly means a lot to you. It means a lot to him. I mean- you mean a lot to him if it was the only piece of jewelry he ever bought in his life and he chose to give it to you." 

Absently, my fingers inch across my collarbone to the bronze encrusted pendant hanging from around my neck, pinching the object into my palm. The fire emblem. I'd spoken to Evan about it once briefly, when he'd caught sight of the actual picture in the middle of the bronze. I gave him limited details because I always grow hot-faced and blushy speaking about the touching moment. 

' "Seraphina, if you don't hurry up Star's going to have a coronary." Sam shouts from the room over, clearly panicked with no idea of what to do. "Please!"

Thinking quickly of a way to ease the nerves Star is experiencing, my head plays out each process and considers the best ones with the limited time and resources we have. My eyes dart to the clock that reads 4:21. A little less than 15 minutes to get her to the staircase where she'll be escorted down by Grandpa Emerson while I walk in front of her as maid of honor. The procession had already begun and luckily per bride's request, she wanted a little video of her and Michael playing before anyone walked the aisle. 

"Sam, go. You're due downstairs in four minutes. Hurry." I instruct after bursting into the room, which he nods with gratitude in his eyes before hurrying out and closing the door behind him. 

The bride adorning a beautiful blush pink dress spins to face me, tears rising in her eyes as they meet mine. "I can't do this. I-I-"

"I know you don't see it Star, but you're going to be a great wife to Mike. You're going to be a great mother. And I know. We all know. You practically raised Laddie after he became half. Even now that my mother- our mother- watches him and feeds him, you still take care of him. Make sure he's doing homework and making friends. Doing everything that you couldn't do yourself until you met Mike." My hands reach out and gently wrap themselves around her own, giving a light squeeze. "You're not a monster. You never were. You always contained yourself and made sure Laddie was safe and a non-threat to anyone. You're sweet, kind-hearted and absolutely gorgeous on the inside. It reflects outwardly as well. You are the light Mike needs. And the best thing about you, Star, is you doing it unknowingly. You do it because that's just who you are without any thought or other intent." 

The tears roll down her face, but a smile graces her lips with her features softening back to their normal state. "Thank you, Phi." 

"Always. I love you, Nova." A chuckle briefly passes her lips before she pauses a moment to look me over with a gleam in her eyes. She leans forward, pressing her lips to the top of my head to ensure I know how much she truly loves me. 

She inhale deeply as she pulls back, releasing my hands to gather her long dress in. "I'm ready." Her voice is steady and I can hear the joy residing in it. "Also Phi, the boys are going to be all over you at the reception." I roll my eyes at this, but clap my hands together in excitement that she clearly feels like herself again. She wriggles her eyebrows at me, grinning a Cheshire grin as she practically sings, "Perhaps a specific brother." She walks out the door I'd just opened for her following the tease probably so I wouldn't argue with her much about it.

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