Chapter 23: Frog Fighter

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Chapter 23: Third Person POV (A Year later)

A ring sounds from above the brunette's head as she enters the comic book store, her eyes immediately adverting to her Converse as she catches sight of a man she wished didn't work at this particular store. Frank, though a business owner, does not have a single selfless bone in his body. He's instead filled to the brim with over-arrogance and a stench of thinking he's much better than anyone else and therefore deserves every single thing he desires. "Seraphina. What can I do for you today?" She makes her way to the wall opposing the register so she has a reason to face her back to him, in hopes it may keep him from continuing his advances on her today. "Playing hard to get again? You know, one of these days-" 

"She's going to kick your ass and you are going to be so sorry that you didn't just leave her alone when she first asked. She's your best customer ever and you just can't keep your dick in your pants," A warm and very welcoming voice she adores comments from the side of the store farthest from the door. Her shoes lightly pad against the floor and in a matter of seconds Seraphina feels the familial warmth radiating right beside her. "Good morning, Ser. What can I help you with?" 

She turns to Zoe with a shy smile pulling at the left side of her lips, her eyes glancing off to the side as her right hand reaches over to pull the couple of comics she'd had for years out of her old, worn out orange leather backpack hanging off her left shoulder. Zoe's eyes widen at the sight of the titles she'd just got handed to her by the quiet woman who normally came to browse and occasionally talk about mythical creature comics. "Cash please. It's to help a couple of friends." Her voice comes out softly and the familiar ache creeps into her chest at the mention of her old friend who'd exiled her a year and nine months ago. Five months ago, Alan had followed suit of Sam, talking about how it didn't matter what she did or Edgar did, he is doomed to remain a vampire forever. Still only half as he feeds on animals, Seraphina had spent so much time following their reunion trying to convince him that they could save his mortal soul that she didn't bother arguing with him. Instead, she whispered goodbye and left only to bury herself in a hole of darkness. 

"Sera?" A hand waves in front of her face slowly, bringing her from picturing Alan and Edgar to the present in the comic shop. "Frank is offering you 193 even for the three comics." She nods to accept the offer, knowing fully well that the comics were around that price anyway and Frank had even threw in a couple dollars in hopes it'd ensure a date with her. Zoe places the money in her hand, but not releasing it as she cocks her head to the side. "You wanna talk about it? You look really sad and I haven't seen you in nearly five months." 

She forces a smile on her lips, her head turning side to side to decline the offer politely before nodding her head toward the door. "I have an appointment at the bank soon." Not for another hour but Seraphina didn't want to get too close to someone. She genuinely likes Zoe, sees her good intent but has already gotten closer to her than she ever intended to. The brunette tucks the money the raven-haired girl had released into the pocket of her backpack while turning her body to face the store's entrance. 


"Miss Emerson, I don't think I fully comprehend what you're doing here. What you've been doing here." The banker in charge of Edgar's property argues with her, walking around his desk to sit in his chair. "The property is not yours." 

Seraphina nods in agreement to his assessment of the situation, "You are correct Mr. Pinkus. But I am allowed to withdraw money from my own account of any amount in person and relocate amongst whomever I wish to. If that includes placing it in Mr. Frog's account, you can not stop me from doing so." 

An irritation rises in Ira Pinkus' eyes as they roam over this seemingly timid woman who is currently standing between him and a property he'd promised to a high bidding client who surely would turn it into some kind of malibu dream. "Miss Emerson, while that may be true Mr. Frog has been defaulting on his loans-"

She nods singularly once more, clearly being professional on the sticky matter though he can tell there is something lingering behind her gaze, reminiscent of guilt. "I took care of that last night over the phone with Phillip Jones." His blood runs cold at the mention of the executive of this branch, his left eye beginning to twitch as a stress tick. "His agreement with me is that should he default once more, he will be given 24 hours to vacate the premise and there will be no chance to fix it then. I can assure you, as I assured him, that it will be kept up from here on. I will personally see to it." 

A heavy sigh passes through the older gentleman's lips while his body nearly throws itself backwards in his chair due to the exasperation of being unable to wrap his head around the situation. "I do not mean to be disrespectful, as you have been so very kind and generous to us here and you're one of our best clients, but why do you associate yourself with someone without-" He pauses for a moment to consider his words very carefully to avoid any serious trouble. "Like him." 

"Mister Pinkus, there are more important things in life than money and much more important factors in a friendship than such a materialistic thing. If you base your relationships solely on that point, I am fearful of the true value they have beyond what they can buy you or gift you." She shifts in her seat just slightly to the left to lean on the armrest while she offers him a soft smile noting the embarrassment pinkening his otherwise exasperated expression. "Not everyone is born into a normal lifestyle or have gifts that offer them positions in a normal job that pays well. You seem to believe low income is equivalent to lack of effort in gaining such funds which is far from the truth. I happened to come from a modest family that could afford to help me go to college. I managed to snag a healthy paying career and holding Edgar accountable for things that weren't in his control seems heartless. He is good company irregardless of the lack of funds he has. If you knew all that he contributed to society for the little he gets paid, you would change your mind about him." 

Surprise paints his face as he processes all that she'd said. It equals so much more than she normally utters politely while in passing through the bank doors. His hands fold in front of him, his chin placing itself thoughtfully atop the backs of his hands. "I suppose there's not much of anything to discuss then." The brunette smiles at him, rising to her feet in preparation for her absence when he finds his voice as her fingers brush his office's doorknob. "I apologize if my inquiries seemed intrusive, I just wanted to ensure you were aware of the legal stances. I will take into consideration people's circumstance first from now on." 

Seraphina's subtle smile blossoms into a rather large grin while her eyes glance over her shoulder to the tall man. "Equal chance." Is all she offers in advice before opening the door and crossing the threshold with a softer, "Have a good day, Mr. Pinkus!" thrown haphazardly into the air. 

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