Prom Mini-Story

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Mini Blurb: Seraphina's POV

Sam wouldn't stop looking at me with sympathetic eyes the entire drive to the museum where the prom is held. I shoved past him on the way out of the limo, but suddenly when I cross the threshold into the place with Alan and Edgar on my heels, my body freezes and I don't move. There he is in all his football glory, swaying with a girl in his arms.

I can feel the boys tense on either side of me and Edgar jolts forward at an alarming speed, but somehow I manage to step in his way right as he gets close enough to capture the attention of the beautiful blonde from my Trigonometry class Freshman year. Eyes fall on me, the only ones I am able to focus on being the brown ones I've come to know over the years. Slowly they move to the jade ones behind him, pleading with his brother to grab Edgar before something happens and things get out of control. However, Alan looks like he too is ready to kill the football star. 

A hand gingerly touches my shoulder while a voice begins to say, "Seraphina, I wanted to-"

"Don't touch her." The hand is removed from my back as Edgar steps around me, clearly shoving it off as he defends my honor. 

"You shouldn't even be speaking to her after you stood her up for Carol." Alan pipes in. I turn myself around to face Peter, reaching my left hand out to grab Edgar's right wrist, my other hand grabbing Alan's left wrist as he too advances towards the jock. 

Peter's eyes fall onto me without a second look at the boys protectively standing in front of me like a wall. "Whatever excuse you have, don't waste your breath. You messed up, but I'm actually glad you did," I begin.

"You are?" The Frog Brothers inquire, glancing over their shoulders to read my expression. 

"You are?" Peter repeats shortly after the pair, earning an eye roll from the brothers. 

I nod again, slowly tugging on their wrists to get them to move back to be at my side. "I'm not romantically attracted to you. So the pressure of having to slow dance or the expectation of a kiss at the end of the night- I don't have to worry about it." My eyes drift between Alan and Edgar, a wide smile full of fondness tugging at the corner of my lips. "Besides, it's good to know how much of a snake you were before anything happened. And I'll be perfectly fine with these two tonight, not having to worry about trust." 

I throw my arms around the two boys shoulders, moving them to turn towards the front entrance where Sam is standing with his arm around Angel. Angel's got this stupid grin on her face as we approach, her right hand raising in front of her. My hand makes contact with hers and she releases a hearty laugh, earning her one from me. "Let's get them tiger." 


Author's Note: 

The next chapter is going to take place a few years later when they've gotten older. They are going to be around 23 years old. The next 2-3 chapters are going to establish the new relationships and then it will transition into The Tribe storyline. 

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