Chapter 11: Prom-blems

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Chapter 11: Seraphina's POV

Inhaling deeply, darkness surrounds me while my mind searches for an anchor- for a reason to relax. I'd gone and gotten myself all riled up over being asked to prom by a well-known football player with brawns AND brains. I should have just agreed to go with him, but some part of me buried so deeply down that I have no idea what part of my personality it was, knew that I should deny him. Naturally, in response to such ridiculous instincts, my head ducked and I sprinted for the door like I'd been training for the upcoming marathon in June, shouting some excuse about going with my friends.

It is no secret that The Frog Brothers and I are great friends- well at least with Alan because Edgar has a deep limitation on his ability to let people into his vulnerability. Nearly four years of friendship built off of a happening coincidence of Sam walking into their store then Mike getting turned into a vampire, forcing them to help us change him back. Three years and some change completed with many, many piles of vampire ashes lie between our bond and the looks we exchange wordlessly.

"Ok. What happened?" Sam's eyes have already begun to do their searching for answers. Clearly he pulls nothing away from my expression but it doesn't deter him from following his instinct.

My shoulders shrug in view of all three boys who are now watching me closely, disengaging themselves from the topic of their weekend plans. 'Now or never,' I think to myself. "I think you guys should go to prom." My voice is soft to sweeten the possibly bitter flavor on their tongues about the teen night of the year.

All three boys groan, highlighting their distaste with their own body leans or loss of structure from their bones throughout their body. None of them need to verbally respond to explain their denial of offer any more, yet a sound falls from each of their mouths like the true individuals they are. Edgar grunts, Alan makes some semblance of a humming noise, and Sam straight out 'hmphs'. "Edgar and I can't go anyway." My eyes roll, I am sure, but neither him nor his brother bat an eye at the movement. 'This is gonna be good'. Alan's left hand gestures to Edgar who is sitting in a chair, straight across from me with a slight pale tinge to his skin. "Edgar is recovering from his quick transitions to the undead, then back again. And I have to take care of him." 

His point is seen. The color of Edgar's skin, though returned to it's usual tone of subtly sunkissed white, is still slightly paled visibly enough that he still looks ill. Not to mention, he gets boughs of dizziness that knocks him from his feet onto his ass and the soldier does not take it easily. Bitterness at his defeat against David still lingers in his eyes and on his lips when he speaks sometimes. 

Two months ago we found out David hadn't actually died- which in retrospect makes sense since he hadn't turned to ashes like the others had. Grandpa Emerson had dug a grave with Mike, tossed the body in it antlers still sticking through, and buried it 16 feet under ground- literally- after the incident. Revenge revived his momentarily unconscious corpse and he managed to undig himself through 16 feet of dirt sometime in the night.

I should have noticed with the spike in my vampire tingling sense that some odd new occurence had begun in our Santa Carla. We- meaning the Frog Brothers and myself since Sam backed out after the first hunt following Mike's return to human- hunted based off that and whether or not the person or people in question posed a serious threat to the civilians. Emotions coursing through me noted the rise in vampirism and the lack of fear motivating them to kill.

No one noticed David had quite literally risen from his dance with death until he showed up on the Frog's doorstep, flamed torch in hand with a sharp, blood-soaked fanged smirk playing on his lips.

Though the boys and their parents had escaped through the tunnel they built to leave the home at night undetected, Edgar had not been so lucky during a scuffle between David's lost girls and us three vampire hunters. His lost girl Sara had bitten Edgar's wrist quite aggressively and while they retreated, Alan and I approached him only to be met with fangs and glowing eyes. Alan being protective of me caused him to place himself in front of me and raise his stake when Edgar growled. I did end up smacking the back of Alan's head harshly, slowly advancing toward Edgar with my hands on either side of my head to show my surrender. I even dropped my weapons on my way to him, seeing the humanity and fear- something rarely seen in Edgar- reflecting in his deep brown eyes. He didn't bite me and instead softened his gaze and his posture fell slightly inward on itself in relief.

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