Chapter 15

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Wow hi guys! Sorry we have been neglectig this but Abi and I have exams and everything and this an important year for us - academically speaking. Plus I do a lot of extra curriculars [piano, drama, badminton, singing, debating, I'm on the yearbook commitee, and I run a history club for year 5s] so my time is restricted to weekends and holidays - but even then most of my time is taken up with studying :\

BUT I'm here now! So thank y'all for bein so patient and here ya go!

[pic of LIam on the side]



"Now, that concludes the performances of this evening! Thank you for your kind donations, please continue to give as much as you wish-all these proceeds will go to charity!"

The audience cheered once more, and then started to disperse, dropping money into buckets as they did so.

"Harley." came a voice. A male voice. Our whole group turned around to see...

Lyra's P.O.V.

I didn't recognise the boy standing behind Harley. He had brown hair which fell into his electric blue eyes, and was wearing a black blazer, white top, jeans and sneakers.

"Let's go. We need to see how much we've raised." Harley quickly said, pretending not to have heard the boy.

"Oh... my god! Liam?!" Melody's eyes widened, and a huge grin appeared on her face.

"Wait... you know him?" Harley was shocked.

"Melody Jackson, my my it's been a while!" the boy - who I now knew was called Liam - gave he a lopsided grin.

Melody squealed and ran into Liam's arms. Liam picked her up and twirled her around. I felt Alex stiffen next to me, and Harley didn't look very pleased with herself either.

"It's been so long!" Melody beaming. "Oh guys, this is Liam Garret - my best friend from London who happens to be here for some stange reason..." she turned back to Liam. "Why are you here by the way?"

Liam looked at Harley, there was sadness in his eyes. "I came to visit my penpal... who doesn't seem to want to see me."

Melody gasped. "Harley! You're his mysterious penpal?!"

"Okay someone please tell me what's going on here before I get my scissors!" I was frustrated that Melody knew more about my best friend than I did.

"Ooh you mean the ones I got you for Christmas last year?" Cece asked, laughing. Cece had got me the actual scissors used in my favourite movie - The Scissoring - for Christmas the year before. They were my most prized possession.

Some people would say that it's concerning for a teenage girl to have such a weird love of scissors. Those people are wrong.

"Liam what- wait where'd she go?" Marcus looked around.

Melody sighed. "He does that... you get used to it."

"Okay Harley, care to fill us in?" Alex asked.

"Liam... he came to visit me..." Harley began to explain. "We've never met in person, him being in London and all, but we've been writing and emailing and skyping each other for almost 2 years."

"You like him..." I said quietly.

Harley looked up sharply. "How'd you know?"

I smiled. "I notice more than you think."

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