S02E03 | moment of truth

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          Landon would usually say she was as stubborn as a mule and he'd leave it at that. She liked to think of it as tenacity, refusing to give up on stuff that mattered, which was why she had followed A.J. after the latter had unceremoniously stormed out of the auditorium.

          Under any other circumstances—literally—Sasha would be up to deliver a wonderfully improvised speech about entitlement and how she was shitting on people who genuinely cared about her, but this wasn't the time for that. It was time to be the bigger person and acknowledge some people needed help, even if they refused to admit it.

           "Can you walk slower?" she asked, panting, while A.J. gave no signs of ever wanting to wait for anyone. She'd never been one to do so, anyway. "A.J., seriously—"

          "You don't need to check on me," A.J. dryly retorted, before finally coming to a halt and sitting on a staircase. "I'm doing fine. Just peachy."

          "You've lost, like, five pounds since Sectionals."

          "Six, actually." Sasha huffed. "Look, Sasha, you can go back to glee club. You don't have to pretend to care about me anymore; I'm no longer there to steal your solos. Go shine. Go be the star you were always meant to be. There's no one standing in your way." She wrapped her arms around her knees, while Sasha genuinely, genuinely wanted to slap her. "Someone made sure that would happen, anyway."

          That was the goddamn last straw.

          "Excuse me? You cannot possibly think I had something to do with what happened!"

          A.J. shook her head. "No. I just think it was awfully convenient that the NYSPA blog had declared their public support for you right before I got the solo at Sectionals. They like you a million times more than they like me, so I'm not surprised they wanted you to succeed—especially at my expense. They knew I'd never give that solo up out of the generosity of my heart."

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