S02E02 | the lucky one

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          TIME PASSED. Slowly, but surely, even though some days felt longer than forever.

          November slipped away easily, fading into the heavy snowstorms of December, but even those left eventually. The temperatures dropped progressively right before Christmas and Miyu feared she, along with her poor immune system, would be bedridden with a nasty flu if she kept being exposed to the cold weather.

          That, too, was gone.

          When January came along and classes were back in session, so was glee club. Everyone was still buzzing with adrenaline following their win at Sectionals and were ready to start rehearsing for Regionals, but no one chose to acknowledge the massive elephant in the room.

          No one knew what they were doing.

          There were barely any people with show choir experience there—Miyu only knew about Gwen and Isabella—and even them seemed somewhat lost. High school show choirs couldn't possibly compare to the toxic competitiveness of college show choirs, and Isabella's previous group had been disbanded after losing a competition.

          It felt like Sectionals all over again—the uncertainty, the desire to do more, the confusion.

          To make matters even worse, A.J. still hadn't returned to their dorm room. She only came to NYSPA to attend her lectures, leaving immediately after, and, on the rare occasions anyone managed to convince her to stay for coffee, she never hung around for a long time. Miyu didn't blame her for not wanting to stay, as it was certainly hard for her to constantly be on edge, searching for any signs of betrayal around her.

          She'd also chopped half of her hair off, making it a lot harder to hide from anyone who stared, but it also enhanced her recent weight loss. She still dressed the same, albeit darker colors were more common now, along with combat boots instead of ankle boots or Converse sneakers. It was symbolic in a way, but no one dared to make any comments about it.

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