S02E01 | allison

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          This was his fourth time competing in a national show choir championship. This was his fourth Sectionals competition. Therefore, he had absolutely no idea why he was freaking out to the point of vomiting out of stress.

          Naturally, Janet thought he was being ridiculous, but, this time, she was being a lot nicer than usual. Under any other circumstances, she'd barge into the bathroom and drag him out by the collar of his shirt, throwing him a towel to clean himself with. After all, the club depended on him, as he was heavily featured on all three numbers they were performing that night.

          Today, she understood. There was something deeper than that going on, something that needed plenty of team-work to solve, and they needed each other.

          "Look, Nick," she began, kneeling next to him in the bathroom. Next to her, sat a plastic bottle filled with water. She had brought it along with her just so he wouldn't die of dehydration in a bathroom right before a competition. "I understand you're nervous as hell. I think everyone is, and the circumstances are definitely less than ideal, but you need to get your shit together. There's a lot more at stake here than just your pride . . . and, well, mine, I suppose." She gave his back an affectionate rub, but then patted it. "We don't like this any more than you do, buddy."

          "I hate my PR team," he complained.

          "I know, babe."

          Nick sniffled, reaching out for the toilet paper to wipe his mouth and nose. He flushed the toilet and closed it before they both died with the stench. "I hate that I have to do this. I hate that I have to get so many people involved for absolutely no reason." She reached out for one of his hands and gave it a gentle squeeze. Her ring hurt him, but he didn't utter a word. "It's not fair."

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