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          "ARE YOU MAD AT ME?" Gwen asked, twisting her hands around each other. "I have this horrible feeling that you're mad at me and have been for a while now; if you are mad—which I totally understand, by the way—then I'll leave, but I'd also really like to actually hear you say it. I don't like ambiguity and, frankly, this radio silence hasn't been doing me any good. Unless it has done you some good; in that case, that's okay. I just . . . wanted to clear the air. Did I do something to offend you? Did I hurt you? How can I fix this?"

          A.J. briefly looked up from her Playbill magazine, a Jagged Little Pill limited edition. "You'll need to speak slower, Gwen. I barely got a word of what you just told me."

          Gwen took in a shaky breath, then raised a paper bag. "I brought you lunch. It's a grilled cheese sandwich, since I know you love those, and, uh, a can of Diet Coke. Do you like Diet Coke? I assumed you did."

          A.J. then set the magazine aside and sat up on her bed, though Gwen wasn't entirely sure why. It could have been over the food, because she was interested in listening, or even because Gwen had already spoken too much, which she tended to do awfully often.

         She eyed the bag carefully, like a wounded animal that was being shown the slightest bit of consideration for the first time in a long while, and Gwen almost felt bad for her. The only thing that stopped her, pulled her back, and reminded her that was an insanely dangerous thing to do was remembering how much A.J. hated being pitied. She had made that perfectly clear.

          "You can leave that on my desk," she said. "I'm not that hungry right now."

          Gwen's heart plummeted. "Oh. That's . . . yeah, that's fine. I'll do that." She set the bag down on A.J.'s desk, being careful not to touch anything else, especially not the Broadway memorabilia. There was a framed photograph of her, Nick, and Janet García, who had also starred in the Spring Awakening reboot. "About what I said. I just wanted to know if you're mad at me over what I did for dedications week; looking back at it now, I can see how it could have been a little bit . . . too much. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sorry."

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