S01E15 | nicholas

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          "FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT!"

          The initial notes of Panic! at the Disco's Say Amen echoed in the auditorium and Nicholas St. Martin tapped his foot against the wooden floors to the rhythm of the music. In a few seconds, he'd have to step forward and the spotlight would shine down on him as he walked forward.

          It was incredibly simple, yet, at the same time, it was also ridiculously easy for him to screw up. Leave it to him to mess up even the slightest directions, especially while performing on a stage smaller than he was used to. They usually rehearsed in the Vogelstein Center as they were supposed to, but, since the auditorium was undergoing some restoration processes, they'd been shoved to the dance theater in Kenyon Hall, which was much, much smaller.

          Janet García gave him a slight push forward, hinting it was time to sing, and he jumped in his place. She furrowed her brows, but said nothing. They both knew how distracted he had been during the entire week, especially that afternoon, and she had made him promise it wouldn't get in the way of rehearsal.

          Unfortunately, it did.

          They also knew why he was so distracted and, truth be told, Nick had expected Janet to understand. After all, they had all been close friends once, going everywhere and doing everything together, and he knew Janet, too, missed those times—back when everything was so much simpler. She was just pissed off and being petty, but, deep down, she still cared. Deep down, she understood where he was coming from.

          To say that Friday's rehearsal was a disaster would be the kindest understatement of the decade. Although Nick didn't have to do anything besides sing, look pretty, and stand on the middle of the stage while doing so, there were background singers and dancers who weren't used to not having enough room to move freely.

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