S01E07 | pool party

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          SASHA VAN DER BILT WANTED—NO, SHE NEEDED EVERYTHING TO BE PERFECT. The pool party had spent the entire week in the planning stage and she desperately wanted her high school reputation to carry over to college. She had been known for throwing great parties whenever her parents were out of town, and took great pride in it.

          She just wished Landon would help out a little bit more. On Friday night, while she was busy running around the house to ensure things were exactly how they should be (as in, exactly how she wanted them to be), he decided he'd help by sitting on a couch in the living room and scroll through social media instead of lending her a helping hand that actually mattered.

          "Seriously?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips. She stood right in front of him, yet he made no effort to look up at her. "You're just going to sit there and not lift a finger to help me make sure everything is—"

          "Nope," he retorted, popping the P. "You seem to be doing a great job on your own. Why mess with something that's going so well?"

          "Oh, I don't know!" She threw her hands up in the air. "Maybe because between attending lectures, going to glee club meetings, and preparing performances, I haven't really had the time to take care of the house? People are going to be here any minute now, and I need you to go check on the food and the drinks while I get the music room ready." Landon's eyes briefly darted away from his phone's screen to focus on her face, but she quickly returned to being ignored by her little brother—even when she snapped her fingers. "Landon, I'm serious! I still need to shower and get ready, so can you please, please help me?"

          Landon huffed and tossed his phone to the other end of the couch. "Fine." He stood up from the couch as if there was a spring underneath him, easily towering over her. He was six feet tall, which, in comparison to her five feet and five inches, could easily have left her at a disadvantage. "But you owe me one."

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