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December 26

It's currently 4 something down here in L.A and 1 something in Bora Bora so I decided to call Melody knowing that they're up by now.

Before I called I thought about the conversation Jhené and I had yesterday at the mall.

"Now I'm not going to jump to conclusions but dude really gave off a weird vibe I was just trying to be nice" Jhené said taking a sip of her lemonade as I sighed.

"I don't see why you guys don't like him he's not that bad" I mumbled trying to convince myself.

"Are you trying to convince yourself that, because Mama J and Chris told me what went down" she said as we entered Victoria Secrets I got hot and rolled my sleeves up.

"Yea Mel doesn't even want to stay with me" I said biting my lip.

"I see why." She said dragging me into the corner looking at my wrists while I mentally face palmed myself. "WHAT THE HELL ZAMORIA. THIS NIGGA PUTTING HIS HANDS ON YOU?! YALL HAVENT EVEN BEEN TOGETHER FOR A FUCKING MONTH WHICH IS STILL NOT AN EXCUSE" she whispered harshly.

I rolled my eyes and snatched my arm back to pull my sleeves down. "He just gets mad sometimes" I said walking away.

"Him getting mad is an excuse to put his got damn hands on you" she questioned as I stayed quiet I couldn't tell her the reason or this nigga would kill my ass literally.

"Ok Zamoria let's go before I get pissed off some more" she said walking out the store as I sighed and followed.

Flashback Over
Better believe when we got back she had a mouth full and Dejounte pretended to listen to the bullshit. Soon as she walked out me and him got to fighting and it didn't end pretty.

I dialed Melody's number three times but gave up when it kept going straight to voicemail. They're probably around water.

I tried to dial Trey's number too but I got no luck cause it went straight to voicemail.

"What you doing" Dejounte said coming into the kitchen where I was.

"Umm nothing finna start on dinner" I said as hummed and pulled at his goatee.

"You know ion mean to put my hands on you. You just make me so mad. You got to start listening baby" he said walking to the refrigerator as I glared at him.

"Yea umm does that mean you're going to stop sniffing cocaine" I asked quietly.

"What the hell you just asked me" he said closing the refrigerator.

"I asked were you going to stop sniff-"

"Don't question me about the shit I do you understand me" he said pressing my back against the stove while grabbing my arms.

"Dejounte you're hurting me" I said biting my lip.

"You ain't seen hurt yet baby-" we were cut off by my phone ringing. Before I could get it he beat me too it and held it up showing Trey's picture.

"Answer it...now" he gritted shoving it in my hand as I answered it and placed it on speaker.

"H-hello" I answered.

"Yea Z you had called me" he asked as I looked up at Dejounte who looked like he wanted to slap the shit out of me.

"Y-Yea I was j-just-" Dejounte snatched the phone and threw it making it hit the wall then the floor.


"HE HAS MY FUCKING DAUGHTER WHAT DO YOU EXPECT" I yelled back as he pushed me making my hand go on the hot iron.

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