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So lemme clear shit up so I don't have to get no more messages

- trey is 19
-Chris 19
-Zamoria 19
-A'zori 17

Trey is finna turn 20..he's not in his right grade..he's supposed to be in college but he started school late since his birthday is in November

Chris is finna turn 20 in May because he had to repeat second grade

Zamoria is finna turn 20 in July she's in her right grade

And Zori is the youngest because she skipped a grade

I did this because this is how my friend group work irl

Chris and zori started school in August and Zamoria and trey came in's now November

Chris have kamoria for 1 week every month so she won't make it in the story 24/7 for now

Dior and Melody are 8 years old with no parents so the gang took them in

All the songs won't be in order so for example it can be a song off the royalty album but he could be working on the indigo album

Also If I have to put dates on everything I will so there will be no more confusion ☺️

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