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"Ok ok come in and for the love of god be quiet" I told Chris and zori as the walked in the house

Tomorrow is trey birthday and I'm so excited probably more excited than him honestly. I want to shut the city down I know a few people to make that happen so all it takes is one phone call.

"Where he at" Chris asked pulling zori down on his lap

"Upstairs with melody sleep he should be waking up soon cause he's a light sleeper and he knows when I'm not next to him"

"Daddy I'm tired" Dior said sitting next to Chris

"Here" he grabbed a pillow putting it under her head along with a blanket that was hanging on the couch

"Ok my plan for this party is to shut shit down" I tried not to yell knowing trey melody and now dior was sleep but I couldn't help it I was so excited

"Ok so what's the theme" zori asked as I got excited

"Ouu carnival..I already got everything set up and shit..I also got in contact with uncle snoop so he got his friends coming and sean and jhenè bringing they people..oh I talked to ush yesterday so he's bringing his people..and I got a surprise for trey" I had a goofy smirk

Trey surprise might make him cry..knowing I'm the only one that knows and imma keep it like that till tomorrow. Trey big surprise is the record label Atlantic Records wants him. I'm so happy for him. Usher said he only had to play a song and they wanted to sign him on the spot. This so understandable because yesterday he recorded like 3 songs and shot a music video for one of them featuring me know what I'm saying.

"BABY" I heard trey said snapping me out my thoughts

"Yes my love" I answered to him

"Usher dropped all our stuff on all platforms couple minutes ago..call zori and Chris over so we can watch it" his soft voice said as I poked out my lip because he's so adorable

"They already here with Dior"

"Ou ok.. here I come" he ran back to the room

Zori looked at me smiling "y'all so cute"

"He's so adorable he like a big baby" I blushed "but zori I wantchu to check out the place in a little..Chris I need you to stay here so trey so don't suspect somethings up " I told them as they shook his head

"Chris you so quiet" I laughed as he shrugged

"My baby always quiet" zori rubbed the side of his face as his cheek turned a tint red

"ok I'm here" trey happy as said sitting next to me "turning them shits on..I wanna watch it"


"Come down here Mel..and brush your teeth"

"Kk" she ran upstairs

About 10 minutes later she came running downstairs "DIOR" she yelled in her face

She sat up rubbing the sleep out her eyes she saw who was standing in front of her and jumped up "MELLL"

"Come on girls let's watch tv" trey said as Melody sat between us and Dior sat on Chris lap

I got the remote turning to the Youtube app "let's go youngest to oldest..so zori,me,Chris, trey" I said

Typing in zori stage name her shit already had million of views I clicked on it waiting for the ad to go off.

"THATS MY MOMMY" Dior yelled as zori appeared on the tv

"Sho is and she look sexy as hell" Chris said

Ian gonna lie my sis killed that look

"MY TURN" I turned on my video

"THATS MY MOMMY HAHA" Melody stuck her tongue out

"Woahhh" trey said as I slid it a split

He lead closer to the tv observing all my moves.

"Damn nigga back up"

"I KNOW THIS SONG..TURN UP THE MUSICCCCC" Dior got up and danced

"Woahhh he did a backflip..my daddy so cool"

"Yo daddy looking bout fine as hell with his shirt off"zori said as I gagged
"Y'all might not like what y'all see especially you Chris" trey winked

Melody gasped "that's both of y'all" she looked in me and trey direction

"Yup Melody and Dior cover y'all eyes" trey said as they did just that

"EWWW WHY YALL HAD TO KISS UP CLOSE THE FUCK" Chris yelled covering his eyes

This was the part the little little sex scene when me and trey was 'creating' our painting

"Aww Chris look..tonight we'll be making love faces" zori sung taken chris hands off his face

"Imma throw up" Chris ran off upstairs

Dramatic ass

4 hours later


"Woah this is cool" I walked in the tent seeing all these carnival games and activities

It looked like I just stepped into a whole new world

"His childish ass is gonna love this" Ro told zamoria as she was fixing the prizes on the rack

"I kno-" she got cut off when her phone started ringing "speaking of trey" she rolled her eyes answering the phone and putting it on speaker

"Yes my love" she answered

"Where are you" he asked as her eyes widened

"I-I'm I mean we at McDonald's getting ice cream and where's my babies" she face palmed herself

I looked at her with the 'nigga really' face "nice save" I said sarcastically holding two thumbs up

He was quiet for a while "McDonald's ice cream machine stay broke..and they upstairs practicing for they talent show" I heard Chris laugh In the background

"Oh yeah when is it again"

"on Thursday so where you at" he asked again

"Poor connection see you at home baby" she quickly hung up

"Your a retard" I laughed "but seriously he's really gonna like this how did you plan it I know it took a while"

"I started planning it as soon as he told me his birthday" she chuckled "now all he gotta do is wife me up then I'm good for life"

I laughed "I'm waiting for that day to see it happen"

"Now let's go find some ice cream from somewhere before he start assuming shit"

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