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2 weeks later

"AYEEE I WIN" I jumped up from doing a little Dance

"Ok that's cause I let you" Chris rolled his eyes going on his phone

I stopped and looked at him as he continued to text whoever. That's what he's been doing for the past few weeks now. It started a couple day's ago when he went out and ever since then he don't pay me no type of mind and always on his phone. When I come around he flips it over I don't wanna think he's cheating but what else could that possibly mean.

"Chris" I sat on his lap

"What" he continued to text

I looked at him crazy because he never said what to me "my shoulder is better now" I smiled hoping he cared

"Cool" he replied dryly

"Our 2 month anniversary coming up" I smiled

"I know on the 10th" he texted

I sighed ready to get off his lap a idea popped up in my head. He turned off the phone placing it besides him face down.

I looked at him then the phone. I counted down from three before grabbing his phone and running.

"A'ZORI GIVE ME MY FUCKING PHONE" he yelled running after me

I ran into our room locking my self in it. Sitting on the bed I turned on the power revealing his lock screen with us kissing.

"YO IM NOT PLAYING GIVE ME MY SHIT" he yelled bagging on the door

I tried putting in my finger print but it didn't work. I tried my other hand but that didn't work either.

My face softened looking at those 4 words password incorrect try again. I walked to the close door debating if I should open it out not.

"You deleted my finger print" I asked as he stopped banging on the door

"It's not what it looks like..not to sound mean but just for right now mind your business" he said from the other side of the door


"Give me my phone" he said quietly

I read the message from Ashley

Ashely: ok I see where you coming from but I knew you before your "girlfriend" and me and you did what we did so now you gotta deal with me and you know damn well ian going nowhere

My lip quivered as I kept reading the message over and over. Opening the door I threw his phone at him.

"Listen it's not Whatchu think" he walked into the room

"Nah it's good.." I said going into the bathroom room finding a hair tie

"No..what is you doing" he came in with me

"Nothing I'm chillin" deeply chuckling I went around him to put on my shoes

"A'ZORI WHAT IS YOU DOING" he yelled getting upset

I turned towards him "now you care what I'm doing..I'll be back later" I walked out

Getting in my truck I started it driving away from his house. I didn't know where I was going I was just riding.

"Y'all I lost her" I put my head in my hands

I didn't know what to do so I went to my moms house and called trey and Zamoria.

"Boy what is you talking about" my mom asked

"She found out about Ashely" I said as everybody went quiet

"I told your dumbass to drop her before y'all had sex..but no y'all was just friends right" Zamoria said as momma slapped her upside her head

"Watch your mouth little girl..but she's right..call her" my mom suggested

"I did and text she's not answering..we not even in 2 months in our relationship and I'm already messing up..I love her"

"LOVE where was I at for that.. I knew y'all was together but love" my mom said exaggerating

"Yes momma..in under a short amount of time I found love for her..she's my first love not no random hoe so I don't know how to deal with this"

"Nigga you sound like a bitch" trey laughed

"Stop all this cussing..I'll call her" my mom dialed her putting it on speaker

It took a while but she finally answered "hello"

"Hi love..you sound sad what's wrong" my mom asked playing clueless

"No I'm good..I'm loving life" she chuckled

"Well you with Chris" my mom asked looking at me

Zori went quiet "yeah..I am" she covered up for me

"Really let me talk to him" my mom quietly laughed along with trey and Zamoria

"Well he's playing his game and he hates being bothered when he's playing" zori nervously laughed

"Yeah..can you come over I gotta show you something"

"Ok I'm on my way" she hung up the phone

"She even covered up and lied for you even when you not keeping it real right now" Zamoria shook her head

"MOMMA" I called out walking into the kitchen

"Zori.." she came around the corner "I know what happened..you didn't have to lie to me..now go upstairs and and fix whatever issue you and Chris got going on"

My mouth kinda dropped "but I'm not read-"

"Go..now..he sat up here crying for you..I don't like seeing my son upset..if you loved him you'll try and fix it instead of throwing everything away" she said looking deep into my eyes

I nibbled on my lip before walking off. I went up to his room ready to open the door when I heard him talking to people.

"I didn't want her to find out this way..now she's for sure going to dump me" he said

"No she's not you have to tell her either way" a voice said but I couldn't put my finger on it

"Not like this..who knows how she's gonna react when I tell her I have a daughter"

My eyes popped out my head "well bro she's here so go before it's to late" another voice said

I heard him coming towards the door but I couldn't move I was stuck. He opened the door and I looked up at him.


"You have a daughter"

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