28 ~ Home (promise)

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You were running as fast as you could to keep up with the floating pick flower. You reached out attempting to grab it but just as your fingers grazed the flower it floated up higher begin taken by the wind.

You groaned in frustration but you kept chasing after the small flower. 

Your legs were getting tired and you spoke "what am I even doing" you huffed out realizing you were literally chasing a flower down the street like a crazy person. But you still continued your chase despite the stares as you ran by because for some reason you knew you needed to follow the small pink flower. 

You froze when suddenly the small pink flower floated down and landed on a single small bench. Your eyes widened seeing it had finally stopped and you huffed heavily. But as you walked towards the flower and you got closer to the bench it had landed on your heart stopped.  

Wait, this place.

Your turned your head and looked around seeing where you were. You felt your heart constrict in pain. 

The flower park, the exact same flower park where everything had started. 

Your heart shattered, you felt tears well in your eyes while you looked around the park. You had tried so hard to avoid coming here, and you had succeeded for the past seven months when you had arrived back

But for some reason this flower had brought you back here. To one of the most bitter sweet places you could ever be at. 

You then looked at the the small bench in front of you and a small frown appeared on your face. You had no right. You had no right to be here, especially after you broke your promise to him. To the male you loved.

You felt your eyes get watery staring at the familiar bench. 

The bench where you had made a promise, one you could not keep, because right now you were sobbing uncontrollably while you fell to your knees.

The pain in your chest was over bearing as you cried loudly not caring if you looked insane. You just cried and cried as the memories you kept trying to avoid came back

"y/n" a excited voice called you. You sighed while you walked into your apartment and you tried to hide in your room. You had a terrible day and right now you just wanted to crawl under your blanket and cry.

A hand instantly grabbed your wrist when you tried to move to your room and you were met with a bright smile

"let's go for a walk"

Then you were dragged outside. Just like that, you could never resist his bright smile.

"come on now let's go" he said happily while he dragged you along with him down the street. Then you laughed seeing the familiar park come into view

"really, here" you asked and he smiled at you

"of course this is my happy place" he held your hand tightly while you both walked around the flower park. Both of you stayed silent while you walked around just enjoying each others company

"I hope you feel better being here. This is my happy place so I hope it brings you as much joy as it does for me" he said softly while you spoke

"why is this your happy place, why do you like this park so much. I mean you had some rough memories here too" you laughed out remembering him in his pocket sized state

"I know it was rough sometimes, especially that evil cat" he grumbled out thinking about the vicious cat that had attacked him long ago. You laughed at his comment and he smiled as he continued talking

"this is my happy place because I some of my happiest memories are from here. Also this place brought me to the one person who makes me the happiest in this world. The one person who always brightens my day" he said softly.

You looked up at him as his bright smile was almost blinding

"it brought me to you y/n"

Your heart hammered in your chest. You had wondered why your heart always seemed to beat so fast around him.

"come on, we should rest" he said while he gently pulled your hand leading you to a small bench. You sat down beside him while he hummed happily watching as some people walked by. 

But right now you couldn't get his words out of your head. 

He had said you had always brightened his day but he probably had no idea you felt the exact same. He had always manged to brighten your day, he always made you smile. He always made you feel warm, he was like the shining sun.

Even right now, you couldn't help but smile lightly as you admired the flowers around you. Just being beside him was enough to bring you a warm fuzzy happiness. 

"you're smiling again, I'm happy you seem to be in a better mood. If you ever feel like crying make sure you always come to me y/n. I'll make sure you have a shoulder to cry on, I'll make sure you never shed tears alone" you smiled at his words


"you have to promise me y/n. Promise you will never cry alone" he whined out with a pout. You laughed at his expression but spoke

"I promise"

Your heart shattered at the memory and your cried out. Your tears seemed endless while you knew why your heart was beating so rapidly for him back then, because you were in love with him. You had wished you could have told him back then how much he meant to you.

Your tears never stopped as you chocked out "I-I'm sorry s-sunshine. Looks like I can't keep my p-promise"

Your heart felt like it was tearing in two

"I'm sorry I never got to tell you I love you" you added while you cried.

"what do you mean. You kept your promise, I'm right here for you. You can cry on my shoulder y/n" your heart stopped when you heard the familiar voice

You slowly turned around and you couldn't believe it

"hoseok" you chocked out and he leaned down and gently wiped your tears.

"I can't believe your here. H-how" you said and hoseok smiled

"namjoon figured out these bracelets stabilize our powers. Basically we can stay here safely" hoseok said while you looked at him shocked

"but that's not important...this is" hosoek leaned down and he kissed you. You felt your face heat up but you gently kissed back.

Hoseok pulled away from the kiss as he looked into your eyes.

"your warmth, I missed it. I love you so much y/n" he said and you smiled

"I love you too hoseok" you gently hugged him and you felt your heart flutter. 

"should we go see the others. They came along" hosoek said. You were about to reply but suddenly hoseok lifted you from the ground and gently placed you on the small bench. He took a seat beside you and spoke

"on second thought, lets wait here a little longer first"

"sure hoseok" you smiled while leaning your head on his shoulder

You felt a familiar warm fuzzy happiness being beside him, you were home. 

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