Chapter three

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She returns home with her parents.The latter have given her gifts.Without loosing any minute,she opens it.It is a violin.Its her favourite instruments.She thanks her parents for giving her the most amazing gift.She is also worried about how her parents will take the news of her pregnancy."Ella honey don't you think that you have got some weights,"Her mother said.

"I know Mom but Mom,Dad i am absolutely sorry.I am pregnant,"She blurted out."What"Her parents said.Their eyes are wide open and they are shocked.They slap her and tell her to get out. "Before going,I need to tell you something Ella,"Her mother said."You were a good kid Ella but you had tarnish our reputation,go away from there.Never come back.I don't want to see your face."Her parents said with anger.

Ella know they were red with anger.But she had never thought that her parents will give up on her.Ella is down in the dumps and start crying.She takes her violin and rush to her room.She starts packing all her things including her violin.She get out of the house with two suit case in her hands and walk near the bus stop.She calls her uncle to ask if she can stay at his place.Her uncle has accepted.Her uncle stays at California.She has decided to leave this country and goes to California.

She calls the airport officer and book a ticket for the plane for nine p.m .She calls Ahana and tells her everything.Ahana comes to pick her.Ella gets in the car.Ahana comfort her and they drive to the airport.Ahana have always supported her in difficult situation and now Ella is leaving her best friend.She gets very emotional."I will miss you,"Ahana said."Me too,"Ella told her.""Don't forget to update me about my nephew or niece,"Ahana said.

Ella said that she won't forget and she hugs her best friend one last time.They said farewell.Ella takes her ticket and get into the airplane.She takes a seat near a handsome man but Edward is more handsome than him.Now why is she thinking about that bastard ?To distract herself,she take out her book and put her glass and start reading

Suddenly,the man beside her,start talking to her."Hi,I am Dylan Meyer and i am a business man."he presents himself. Ella introduces herself.They talk a bit. In two  hours and 20 minutes,they will arrive at california.She is very excited to meet her aunt Lexi and her uncle Sebastien and her cousin Sam.From above ,in the plane,she can see california.It is a beautiful country.Finally,the plane has landed.She takes her two suitcase and get out of the plane line by line.

In this travel,Dylan and her have become friend.Dylan has been nice to her.She will miss him."Bye dylan"Ella said to him.He just smile and hug her.She hug him back.Fortunately her aunt,uncle and sam have come to greet her.She run to her aunt,uncle and sam.She hugs them and tslk a bit. Then they get into the car.

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