Chapter 10- This is not the end of me...

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Skye's POV:

The bell snapped me out of my daydreaming.

"Good day, class." Mr. Tomlinson spoke. "Today, we will not be making music..." The class groaned, "But instead we will be exploring the history..."

Mr. Tomlinson droned on about random bs that I quite frankly didn't care about. My phone vibrated in my pocket, which was odd. I don't have friends. The only person who texts me is my mother. What could she want?

Sweetie, I just want you to know that I love you. <3

That's odd. I replied likewise and waited for a response. Instead, I got a text from none other than my father, who very rarely even used his phone.

It was a picture, with the caption:

yoor'e   necxtt

Drunk texting, probably.

I clicked on the picture so that I could see it properly.

"Miss Eaton, would you care to explain what you find more interesting on your phone than my class right now?" Mr. Tomlinson calls me out.

I blush and quickly put it away. "'M sorry Sir. It won't happen again."

Mr. Tomlinson is usually really lenient on me, but I'm sure I was being way too obvious.

After a couple moments of faking my attention, I glanced back down at the picture.

What I saw shocked me.

It was my mom.


On the ground.

A knife in her chest.

Tears started pouring out of my eyes. I couldn't believe it. I looked up to see Mr. Tomlinson staring right at me. He continued instructing as he walked over to his desk and wrote something on a sticky note before discreetly putting the note on my desk and continuing on with his lesson after calling Brian out for sleeping.

If you need to go to the bathroom and freshen up, you don't need to ask.

I took him up on that offer and quietly exited the classroom, trying to not show my face to my fellow classmates. Crying is a sign of weakness.

Just as I walked through the doorway into the hall, my phone vibrated again with a call from Dad. I picked up on the first ring.

"Sweetie." I was relieved to hear my mom's voice on the other line instead of that monster's.

"Mom!" I slumped down just outside the door, my body heaving in sobs at the sound of her weak voice. "Mom, are you okay?!"

"No." She says quietly. "He stabbed me."

"Who?" I ask, already knowing the answer. I could hear her crying in pain.

"Your father. Listen, don't come home. He's out for blood. It's not worth trying to save me. I'm good as gone, you hear me? There's a gun to my head as we speak. He can hear you now, too."

I couldn't do anything but sob relentlessly.

"Skylynn, I love you so much. I'm so sorry this happened baby. Stay strong, okay?"

As if on cue, I heard a gunshot and a scream of pain. Then nothing. I called for my mother but she didn't respond. All I heard was my father laughing. I hung up before he could threaten me.

She's gone.

She's dead.

My own mother is dead.

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