Chapter 1- Surprise

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Skye's POV:

“Hey loser, watch where you’re going!”

Yeah. This looks like the typical love story right here. Girl gets bullied. Boy saves girl. Girl falls in love just after the boy does. Psch. Whatever.

Well, sorry to disappoint, but this isn’t the typical love story. This is my story. Skylynn Eaton’s story. Skylynn. I hate the name, but it’s mine. Just one more thing to hate about myself. Ha. I humor myself. That wasn’t particularly funny, though.

Anyways, back to the action.

“Did you hear me slut? Do I need to whip my dick out for you to pay attention or something?”

Maybe I should introduce you to Brian. The school man-whore. He’s got the typical posse behind him, full of fellow sluts and man-whores.

“Actually, I’d be surprised to see a dick on you. I mean, considering you don’t have any balls… sooo….” I replied confidently. Hey, when it comes to bullies, it’s best to just say what you want to say. If you’re gonna get beaten up for something, might as well make it fun.

“So that’s how you wanna play, bitch?”

“Skip the foreplay, Brian.” One of his jerk friends told him. The pimp-posse laughed. Their laughter increased as Brian proceeded to punch me hard in the nose, knocking me off balance, and then kick me several times in the stomach. Hard. Like, rib-breaking hard. He’d never done it so bad. I mean, I was dying there. A tear slipped out of the corner of my eye but I sucked the rest back in. Graceful, I know.

Now, this is the part of the show where some random teacher finally sticks their head out of the classroom to shoo them away, without a second glance at the girl bleeding to death right in front of them. I’m used to it. At home, at school, I just can’t get a break.

Cutter? Yeah. Suicidal? Tell me about it. I’m just a chicken. Can’t pull the trigger to save my life.

This time, the teacher happened to be the new teacher. The young one. The one the sluts swoon over. This guy actually did glance at me, which took me off guard. What the fuck? What’s he gonna do, tell someone? That’d be a first. I quickly scrambled up and fast-walked away, only glancing back once to see him staring at me.


At the sound of the last bell, I quickly got up and went straight to my locker. The principal was droning on and on about final exams for this semester over the announcements.

“Schedules will be arriving soon, so keep on the lookout!” He reminded us for the billionth time. I rolled my eyes.

I had signed up for English, Calculus I (I know, I’m a nerd for taking it sophmore year butttttt deal with it), Biology, Spanish, and Creative Writing. I was by far most excited about Creative Writing. Writing is my life, only second to math. Yeah, I'm a nerd. Deal with it.

I slammed the door to my locker and quickly walked away before the pimp-posse could get to me.

~~~One week later~~~

Skye’s POV:

Finally! Exams are over. I walked home from school happy, for once, knowing that all my teachers from hell were done with. It’s also time to look at who my new teachers are. I decided to wait until last minute to check the card. I tried to get inside the house quietly so that my dad wouldn’t hear, but of course he did. He didn’t beat me right off the bat, though. First he asked for dinner (at 3pm?), which I made. He wanted pasta so I made a simple penne alfredo. It was piping hot, too. After I spooned most of it into a bowl for him, he said it smelled like shit. He took a bite and declared that it tasted even worse, before he threw the glass bowl filled with piping hot pasta at me.

My Teacher, Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now