6th Grade Proposals, Underwear On Fire, Missing Student

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  • Věnováno Abigail Miller


Long black and red hair, naturally tan, gorgeous brown eyes, perfect body with the curves in all the right places. That's my best friend Amelia, and even in sixth grade she was a beautiful girl. It just so happened that due to her pure beauty and her inner beauty one of our classmates, Charles, was infatuation with her.  

Unfortunately, (for him), Charles' family had to move to a different city, which meant he had to leave our school. Since it was his last chance to try to get Amelia he decided to declare his love for her. At dismissal time he asked to meet her under the bleachers. Somehow that plan was foiled and he was forced to give simply give Amelia a note he had written ahead of time. When Amelia read the note, she just could not keep it to herself and soon told several of her friend. It read something like this: 

"In the year 2023, when we are 28, if you still love me and are single, meet me at the elementary campus on Valentine's day. We will then be married."  

Later, we learned Charles' plan was to kiss Amelia while under the bleachers. Luckily that plan was foiled and Amelia still has not had her first kiss... which she is rightly proud of. Poor Charles' though. She did not like him at all... needless to say, she will not be at the elementary campus on Valentine's day 2023 when she is 28.  

(6th grade year)


"You missed Dylan setting his underwear on fire Anna." were the words I was greeted by as I stepped out side. I looked at Rosie the Riveter (actually a friend names Destiny.) with confusion. 

"He did what?" I asked hoping I had heard correctly. 

"He set his underwear on fire." Destiny said again. A cowboy nodded at me and a gladiator bit back a smile.  

I glanced over at lumberjack Dylan who was currently running around with Benjamin... both holding lit torches in the dark night. "How is he ok?" I couldn't help asking. 

Amelia, also dressed as Rosie the Riveter, smiled and answered "He had some old, clean underwear in his car... don't ask, don't know... and decided to cut them up, tie them around the stick, soak them in lighter fluid, and light them." 

I glanced at the fairy, Ella, beside me who was snorting and laughing... that explained the torches... and the fact that Dylan wasn't in the ER. Got to love Halloween parties.  

(Senior Year)


"Did you hear Gavin's not coming back?" Ella asked Rae and I as we sat in Starbucks drinking our delicious frappes. It was two days before school started and this news was completely new to me.  

"Since when???" I asked in shock. 

"Yea," Rae said "He's going to Spring High School instead to play football I heard."  

"Yep. That's right. But guess what! He's going to be a junior because his home school credits, from when he was a freshman, didn't transfer." Ella informs us. 

Rae and I laugh slightly and then move on a different topic. 

Two days later 

We sit in the gym, waiting for the first bell to ring on the first day of school, when suddenly we see Gavin walk in. I hit Rae. 

"Dude! I thought he was a Spring, what the heck is he doing here?"  

"what? Who? Oh! Gavin! Hmm... weird." 

We never got an answer to why he left Spring and came back to our footballless Christian School but...

One month later. 

"Where's Gavin?" a student asks 

"He's being home schooled now. His parents withdrew him." a teacher answers. 

I look at Ella with a shocked face. He left again. When all the class heard the Gavin left... again... and for real this time, people started asking his friends why. Again, no one had a real answer. For some odd reason his parents decided to move him to Spring, take him out and back to our school, then withdraw him and home school him. We still make jokes about poor annoying Gavin though.  

(Senior Year)

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