Well, Quotes Are The New Thing

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"Did some one just say fruit snacks?" "Noo.... We said creepsta" - Cheerleaders on the short bus.

"Were you guys causin' a ruckus?" - spotter at cheer nationals

"Sparkle Baby, Sparkle." - Our hairdresser/makeup artist/Rae's sister for nationals.

"There's a face in the ice cream!" - Rae and I

"I don't cry at depressing movies like Les Mis. I cry at movies that are cheesy: a baseball team just won the state finals and I start crying because I'm so happy this imaginary team won. That's me." - Boy in my class

"I think we argue because they want what is best for us and I understood that. I think all kids are like that, but I'm eighteen now so I don't know why they still think they know what is best for me." a girl in my class... She is a whole year older than me... wow. She has so much more life experience.

" Cheapy, cheap, just for you. Was $20.00. Now half price. $15.00.... You missionary. I give you special price. $14.00." - market in Dominican Republic

"Knee slapper" said while hitting elbow

"I'm gonna el bano you in a minute if you don't shut up" - Camila

"I put in labour onions." "uhhh... That says Labour UNIONS not onions..." - Apples to apples

" Deed.." "That. Says. DEAD." - Apples to apples

Boy: "Hey... I once tattoed a random dot on my leg. Find it" Me: "uhhh... ok. It's there!" boy:"That's a freckle." me: "oh..." Rae: "Oh! There! I see it. There!." Boy: "Still a freckle." Rae and I "Oh..." - Late night with a twenty year old guy, a ninteen year old guy, a sixteen year old guy and a fourteen year old guy. Welcome to life in the summer.

"There are babies EVERYWHERE!" - Rae

"Someone saying that they are waiting until marriage to kiss if far more shocking than finding out that someone has had sex before marriage." - Friend

"We're going to Sinner night and we're gonna be thatens!!!" - collabortaion of a few koreans (always pronounce senior as sinner), our bible teacher who was explaining Scientology, Ella and I

"Oh! Oh my gosh! That guy just honked at us and we're dresses up like a fairy and Holly Golightly! Omg! He was in a red truck and had a suit on! OMG! HE HONKED AT.....oh... That was Rae's boyfriend dressed up like a 1920's gangster on his way to pick up flappergirl Rae... oh."

"I like you're sneeze. It sounds like a mouse." boy in my class

"I bet she's already regretting that marriage."

So it was the day before Valentine's day, and I decided to sit next to my friend Amelia's table for just a few minutes to thank her for the cupcakes. She sits at a predominitatly guys table. Amelia, another girl and I burst out into Nat King Cole's "Love." We sang it to all the guys. They fell in love with my beautiful voice.

"You are such a good dancer!" "Yea because we are dancing with a bunch of homeschooler and all the super conservative people from our school. Of course I'm good. I know how to move my butt and hips. I don't do the worm like that chick did, nor do I just jump up and down."

"Anna... You keep dissapointing me. Every morning I you are supposed to text me and say two hour delay... yet I get nothing. Thanks"


"Cup of cheese" -my class

"Delicioso *makes a kissy face and noise" - Dominican Man to Rae

"*Kissy noise* I looove you!" - Domincan man to me.

"It's all good until 5th period... and then the 8th graders come." School Librarian

"Is sex overrated?" middle school girl "Heck no! It's fabulous! but wait till marriage or it will break you." adult church leader.

So... I think I am in love. Like... I'm gonna marry him. He even knows that I exist, although I technically don't know his name and I'm not sure if he knows mine. We will be married and move to Nicaragua to save babies.

"Amelia...They killed Sybil! She is my favorite. She is the sweetest! The best. How could they? They are terrible people... murderers. I hate them... I can't wait till next week." me on downton abbey

"Friends are like potatoes, if you eat them they die." quote I found on pinterest that I have adopted.

"Charge!!!!" yelled while running down the hallway

"Two hour delay yet?" Rae on facebook a couple seconds ago... I'm tellin you! it is sleeting!

"P.S. Jail is not a good place to go" Mrs. B teachign 3rd-5th graders

Going back, I read the notes I took in the DR for devotions after being up for 48 hours, these are some of them:

         "STAY AWAKE! STAY AWAKE YOU HAVE TO! YOU HAVE NO OPTION BUT TO STAY AWAKE... i think" (obviously paying attention.)

          " What's after that?" No idea what I am referring to.

           "only matter if you wanna store up whatever it's called... treasures... in heaven. THAT'S IT!"

             "Sleep! sounds so good. like obsecively GREAT!"

 I really focuses right. Here are some other random things from my DR notes. 

             "Daddy said it was when we won ASCI tourney for basketball."

              I signed Doctor Anna about twenty million times.

               "Fashion sense of a podium" Bible teacher.


              "He's making his Drew drawing into a camel" I'm guessing that is why Camel is written on the other page?

                "No Talking" written by korean after trying to sign my name in cursive.

Yepp. those are some of my notes. Really paid attention. I actually did. I have a lot written besides random stuff.

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