Good bye is coming

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I'm done. Done. Done. Done. School is crap. Everyone is annoying. I feel out of place. We are almost done! Wooo! Nine more full days. But why do I feel out of place? Everyone is talking about college, and then there is me, and my GAP Year friends. It makes things difficult. I also have a very different path in life than most will take. When I am holding a conversation about it and explain what I am doing, I feel people retreat slightly. I don't know why, but they do. It's odd. Oh well. I am done... almost.

I will miss several people though. All of my friends. I love them so much. There is Rae, Ella, Camilla and as weird as this is, the Damon kid. He, Amelia, another girl, and I have gotten really close to each other this year. Partially because he is doing something similar to Gap Year, but thats not the entire reason. He is very passionate about God. More passionate than I have really seen anyone be. At times he annoys me with his passion for sweatshop kids and pasifism etc, but he means well. He isn't wishy washy like most people. All of us are beginning to realize how much we mean to each other and how much we will miss each other. It's odd, but he is one of my best friends now.

I'm going to miss all of my friends. We each have memories together, but it is time to move on. I pray for them so much though.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2013 ⏰

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