Scandalized Hipster Rant Mixed

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In the Dominican Republic, I got an amazing room. It was Ella, Camilla, Amelia, Rae and Laura. Now Ella, Camilla, Amelia, Rae and I are really good friends and quite comfortable around each other. Laura on the other hand is a very, very, VERY shy girl. She likes to spend her time reading. That is why we decided to scandalize her during the trip. Part of that was mooning her, but another part was "Whoop! Whoop!" Now what is this "Whoop! Whoop!" you may ask. It is out version of flashing Laura. Everyone was changed into their school approved one piece swimsuits with shirts and shorts/skirts over it and getting ready for the ten minute walk to the beach. Laura wasn't changed though and was in the bathroom. One of had the bright idea to flash Laura when she came out of the bathroom. We gathered around the door and as soon as it opened, we counted 1-2-3 and lifted our shirts, yelling "Whoop! Whoop!" in unison. She got sooooooooooo red and just shut the door giggling. It was quite hysterical. Especially after we saw how "mad" she was.


"Damon! That is disgusting! Change your pants!" I scream at my 'hipster' friend everyday. He seems to think it is very hipsterish to not wash his pants and only wash them every six months or something like that. In my opinion it is DISGUSTING! I swear at least once a day, we have a discussion about it. People like him, but as soon as they hear that he hasn't washed his jeans for 5 months and 2 weeks, they get the most grossed out expression ever. Yes. He has two weeks left till washing, and frankly I cannot wait. Now no. He does not stink, but there is something to be said for personal hygiene and all. Perhaps it is obvious, but he does not have a girlfriend. Probably for that reason and for the reason that he does not think that people should push opinions on others and yet he pushes that opinion on everyone he meets.... Grr!


Ok. So this is just a little rant. Why the POOP do girls think that laughing at everything the popular, attractive guy says is going to make them fall in love with them. In fact I know on very good word that it does the exact opposite. How? Well, watch the guy in question. He rolls his eye as soon as the girl turns away and then complains to his girlfriend, who spills the dirt unknowingly to me. I'm sorry, but all the popular guys might be rumored to love the ditzy airheads, but when they are talking about a murder-suicide (just an example) they don't want you to laugh. They are sensitive too and don't say everything to flirt.  

ESPECIALLY WITH YOU AIRHEAD! Use you brain. End rant.


So it was roughly 1:30 am and we were hanging out as a class at Steak and Shake before we had to report to the school at 3:00am to head to the DR. I was sitting next to Ella and a mixed guy I had never really spoken to before. We were all rather slap happy and I had already had 2 cups of coffee in thirty minutes (not healthy). Someone had ordered a chocolate and vinilla shake and I passed it down to them. As the mixed guy I was sitting next to saw it, he basically yelled "Hey! That shake is like me! Black on one side and white on the other." we died of laughter. I hadn't expected it at all and couldn't handle it. I almost spit out my chicken tender from laughing so hard. So great.

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