Quotes about a death crayon to kissing

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"This is the crayon of DEATH!!!" - Ella

About two or three months later while walking into the state house "Oh my gosh! Anna! It's the crayon of death. It's still in my pocket! - Ella

"How long are you staying tonight" - Vlad "Oh. For a year probably... wait did you ask how long I was staying till tonight. Uh. Ten. I though you asked how long I was going to be in... Oh nevermind." Yea... flustered much? I never talk to him (as I mention in a previous story.) Plus he is like twenty (not his fault he is still in school. He was in a Ukrainain Orphanage before coming to America) and extremely handsome. Like amazing jaw and ripped with pretty eyes I can never seem to look into with out getting all akward.

"Mrs. B! You're such a man's lady." - Boy "Hey. Watch what you say. These aren't just men. I've got the Ukrainian Mafia on my right side here and the Korean Mafia on my right. Watch it" - Mrs. B. "And the ginger Mafia in is there too!!!" - Boy

"God is so cold!" - me "God is cold? Should we get him a blanket?" - Amelia "Oh! I totally meant cool... whoops!" - me

"Oh what a shame that you came here with someone, so while your here in my arms" --- "Church"

"Are you gonna renig???" Well, Eurke is really big in the state I live in... like HUGE. Anyways... this phrase, "milkin' the cow" and "in the barn" are all major parts of it. It's also really unfortunate when you are playing a black person and you call them a "renigger." (p.s. I'm probably the 1% of my state that doesn't know how to play the game. Oh well. One of the boys coming to Costa Rica with me has promised to teach me while we are there.)

"yeaaaaaa, yeaaaa, and let me kiss you" - me(singing the one direction song.) "EWWW! Seriously stop asking!" - Ella and Rae

 So another marvelous thing happened this morning. Last night I got home from Amelia's birthday party and immediatly went to my room to write on here so I wouldn't forget the quotes. I leave my room all night, and my parents didn't tell me I had a letter waiting for me. This morning I wake up and am getting ready for church when I walk into the dinning room to grab beakfast. I see a letter adressed to me from a family friend. I open it and find that it is a $50.00 check. My smile appears on my face and I thank God for providing. Maybe twenty minutes later, I get a text from my mom who went to first service with my dad. A couple from church gave me $100.00. At that point, I sat down to pray and thank God. Immediatly I started crying, but laughing. God is so amazing. So, so, so, amazing

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