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"Yea, well he doesn't have this badonkadonk." - Damon  "Watch Oprah, I'm sure she has something to get rid of it." - me "Oprah? Where did that come from? You need to move to Costa Rica, you are weird in the states." - Damon

"What about Captain America?" - junior boy "Whew.... he is fine." - me "He is sooo attractive." - Amelia. "Oh my gosh. Look how red Amelia is." - Junior Boy

"It's gushin in here."

"Swagger Wagon"

"Your brains gonna be fried."

"He was so nervous. Hi dad was gonna beat him and food wasn't even that good."

"That's why we can't have nice things." teacher " YOU are the reason we can't have nice things. You take them away." student "I know. So far I have an ipad and a really nice rubix cube." teacher. "Dude! You have my rubix cube!" student

"I don't even know what grade I have in this class" boy "It doesn't matter. You're a senior" - teacher

"Look! I can be grumpy cat. Do it! Do it!" - me "No!" - Ella "Rae did it!" - me "No." - Ella... We turned out taking pictures of us looking like grumpy cat.

"Cokes super secret formula, locked in a vault in Atlanta Georigia."

"Oh... Like nevermind." 

"Hufflepuff..." "Hey! I'm reading those books!"

"My favorite color is clear."

"He was a chef. He got chopped." "i chopped myself actually"

"If it goes wrong, I'll be trying not to say bad words in the bathroom" - teacher

A/N If you didn't notice, I have changed my format. I am collecting quotes through out the day that I hear and writing them down, then transfering them here. If you like, leave me a comment and vote, if you dislike, leave me a comment. THANKS!

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