Butts and an awesome Teacher

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A group of us had just finished trying on these lovely dresses in the mall after a party at a laser tag place for Ella's birthday. We were walking out with, accompanied by Ella's mom, who is extremely out spoken, (as you witnessed in a prior section). Rae, Ella's mom, and I were slightly behind the large cluster of our friends. Somehow a group of boys two or three years older than us had gotten inbetween us. The boys were joking around and acting rather sketchy. Rae and I kept glancing at each other worriedly. We are suspicious people. Anyways, while we were walking, one of the guys wound up his hand, getting ready to smack one of our friends butts. Our eyes got huge, but right before contact he pulled back. The three of us looked at each other with wide eyes and quickly hurried to catch up. Mrs. B made sure to walk behind us all, but in front of all of those boys. Gahhh!

So I have this freakin awesome English teacher. She was an army brat, so she grew up in like a million place. She lived in Germany during highschool and was born there I think. When she went to college she decided to be in the circus. She was a clown, a fire breather and fire eater. Insane. She student taught in this absolutly gorgeous place in England and had to walk through ruins to get to school. I'm pretty sure she said she went to a movie premier in London when she was there. She got married soon after and moved to Alaska I think. She ate whale blubber stuff, threw boiling water in the air and watched it turn to snow, maybe even road on a dog sled. Then she divorced her husband after tenish years. They had moved back into his parents basement and things were not going hot apperently. (Pretty sure he was later murdered or drowned or something like that.) Got married again for about 6 months in Illinois, but had the marriage anulled. It didn't turn out well, plus he was drunk on their wedding day. During that time she became a Christian. She moved to Ohio then and worked at Right Pat Airforce Base. Then met her third husband, got married, and became my English teacher. Crazy thing is she is like only 35. She never had kids, and entirley regrets half the decisions she made, but it makes her an amazing person. She has sooo many stories to tell. One of them was that a German man used to visit her parents and her when she was a baby and would give her these sweet alcohol shots as a baby, but since they couldn't speak, or read German they had no idea what it was until they moved away. She is amazing. No JOKE! I love her and have learned sooo much from her.

"Do you neeeeeeed a doctor... for your lips.... for your lips?"

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