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4 months into the pregnancy
"Wade!" I called from my makeshift lab. He wheeled himself into the room and gave me a look. He's clad in his Deadpool suit, but his mask isn't on. "Yes?" Cho gave him a soft smile and he walked to my side. She pointed at the screen and Wade tilted his head. "That is Percy, he's perfectly healthy. The odd thing is, he's shifting. Like he's changing his appearance." Wade began to laugh and I held back a few laughs myself. "He's presenting himself female, but he's biologically male. He will create testosterone and such." Wade wiped away a few tears and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Well if he decides he wants to be a girl, we can do everything we can to make that happen. But if that's just him being a baby...well kudos on him." I snorted and Cho handed me a rag to wipe the goo off. "You're going to be due June 4th, he's no longer at risk of getting hurt. Your body has adapted to the threat and now you have what looks like a silky, yet strong, sack around your uterus. That will not obstruct the birth." Cho handed me 4 sonogram pictures and I thanked her.

Wade went out on patrol and I went downstairs, the pictures in hand. I heard several voices, two of which were arguing. I huffed quietly and got to the lounge. Steve and Nat are in a heated discussion and the part of the team that left are just sitting around. "Hey guys." I greeted and Nat turned away from Steve. "What did Cho say?" I handed her a picture and she grinned. "Well it seems that Perce has my ability to shapeshift, he has been presenting as female. Cho has checked and he is biologically and genetically a male." I handed another picture to Dad and he smiled softly. "As for the danger?" He questioned and I shook my head. "My body has created a spider web sack around the uterus to protect from outside danger. So if I get punched in the stomach, the baby will not be harmed." Everyone who's been here with me, nodded happily and everyone else looked confused. "Where's Wade?" Steve asked and I twisted the ring on my finger. "Out on patrol."

My phone rang and I slid up on the answer button. "Hey baby." Wade puffed out and I instantly knew he's in trouble. "Where are you?" I asked and stood up. "I have no idea." I groaned quietly and looked at Pietro. He stood up and waited for instructions. "Friday, location of Wade Wilson Engagement Ring 209." "On the corner of Fourth and Bout." Pietro ran off and I thanked the AI. "Alright Love, Piet's coming for you. Can you tell me your injuries?" The few people in the room gave me odd looks. "Gunshot with poison to the legs and my stomach is sliced open." "Are you detached?" The corner of my thumb went into my mouth and I began to chew on my skin. "I-I don't think so. Ow fuck!" I heard Piet apologizing and Wade groaned on the line. "I'll meet you in the med bay. Don't bleed out on me, I kinda love you." Wade laughed weakly and I began to walk towards the med bay. I put the phone to my chest and called through the compound, "WE HAVE A CODE WADE WILSON IS A DUMBASS AND GOT HURT AGAIN!"

I got to the med bay and found Piet already hooking Wade up to several machines. Wade waved at me and I smiled. "Hey loser." I patted his hand and he gave me a weak smile. I checked the wounds on his legs and found the bullets still embedded in the muscle. "Alright babe, I'm going to have to dig out the bullets." He waved me forward and I put on gloves. The med bay doors slid open and Dad, Steve, Clint and Nat ran in. "How bad?" Dad questioned and I grabbed a scalpel. "Two poison bullets still embedded in the muscle and what looks like his own katana used on his stomach. It's mostly healed now." I looked over to see the gash to be merely a scratch. Wade sat up and pulled himself against the pillows.

"Wade who's the best?" I dug the scalpel into his skin and he yelled out. "Not you motherFUCKER!" Nat giggled and I grabbed a pair of tweezers, pulling the first bullet out. "Dad take this, take it apart. I want to know who made this." I ordered and Dad grabbed a little bag to slip the bullet into. "Alright babe, next leg. What do you want for dinner?" I dug the scalpel in again and he groaned, leaning against the pillows. "Fuck I don't know. Clint ideas?" I pulled the second bullet out, which Nat collected and I put the bloody tools down. "Are you going to need stitches?" Wade shook his head. "I'm thinking we order pizza." Clint voiced and I sat down in a chair. I snapped my fingers in his direction and he gave me a thumbs up. "Nat bullet." I held my hand out and she handed me the bag.

I ran some tests and waited for the results to be done. In the mean time, I helped Wade out of bed and we went to the lounge. "Tell me what happened." He sighed and I kissed his cheek. "I was working a job, sexual assault ring. Some real baddies." I winced and he apologized quietly. "It's okay, did you get all of them?" He nodded and we reached the lounge. I led him to the couch and he sat down, wincing lightly. I sat down next to me and he turned, cuddling into me. "Thank you." He mumbled and I ran my hands through his hair. "Not a problem."

Loved (Book Two In the Spiderman Series)Where stories live. Discover now