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I arrived at the compound and made my way inside. "Clint, where would you like to go?" Friday asked when I got into the elevator. "Wherever Pietro is." The elevator went up and I leaned against the cool metal. I haven't seen Piet for months. I hope he doesn't hate me.

The elevator stopped and I stepped out into chaos. A shirtless boy with scars was yelling at Tony and Steve. "...insecurities! It took me 3 hours before I could convince him to sleep next to me! If you fucked all that up, we are going to have problems." I blinked, very confused. "Wade I'm sure he's going to be okay. Peter is tough." Wade scoffed and rubbed his shoulder. "He's tough when he wants to be." I cleared my throat and everyone turned to me. Pietro's eyes lit up and he rushed to me. I pulled him into my body and hugged him tightly, my heart in my throat. I felt his shoulders shake and guilt coursed through me. "Не оставляй меня снова." Pietro begged, his voice cracking. I ran my hands through his hair and tightened my grip. "Больше никогда."

I finished bandaging myself up, Dad still looking over my shoulder. He handed me crutches and I reluctantly took them. I hoisted myself up and stuck the uncomfortable pads under my armpits. I remember that time I shattered my leg during a patrol. I hobbled to the door, Dad right behind me. "Clint's back, he said he's going to have to go back for his shit later but he's staying." I nodded and hobbled to the lounge. "Why is no one telling me where Peter is?" Wade demanded and I frowned. Am I in trouble?

I hobbled into the lounge and Wade's eyes widened. "Anger?" He guessed softly and I nodded slightly. He sighed and picked me up, letting the crutches fall to the floor. "Let's go get something small to eat and then go take a nap." I snuggled into his chest and I gave Clint a fist bump before we left.

Wade set me on the counter in the kitchen and he searched around for food. He opened a cabinet and cheered happily. "Tortilla chips!" I laughed and he picked me up again, placing the tortilla chips in my lap. He carried me to my room and set me down on the bed. "Penny for your thoughts?" He muttered once he closed the door. He sat on the bed and I sat in his lap, curling up against his chest. "I feel like shit...not being able to eat normally. I hate feeling like a wimp or a coward for not being able to eat normal proportions. I feel fat and ugly when I eat and it takes everything to not throw up." I felt tears pool and drip down my cheeks. Wade turned me to face him and he gingerly wiped away my tears. "You aren't weak Pete. You've been traumatized and hurt, forced to stop eating. You've been neglected and you've died. I'm not going to force you to eat, but I need you to at least once a day. Don't force yourself or feel shitty for not meeting that. We can take it slow and get you healthy again." I buried my face in his shoulder and he carded his hands through my hair. I sniffled and with shaky hands I wiped away the rest of my fallen tears. "I'm sorry." Wade shook his head and kissed the top of my head. "I am happy with helping you feel happy again. Never forget that you're beautiful and that you deserve all the love in the world."

We finished snacking and he pulled me back on the bed. He moved us so that his legs are propped up and I'm sitting in his lap, but he's laid back against the mattress and his hands are on my waist. "How much trouble could we get in for turning off the cameras?" Wade whispered and I grinned. "I have had them disabled since day one." His eyes burn bright and he pulls me forward, our lips crashing together. I grabbed his face and his fingers gripped my hips, causing me to buck forward. He groaned into the kiss and I smiled mischievously. He bit down on my lip and I opened my mouth, letting explore my mouth with no fight. We pulled back to breathe and he rolled us over so that he's on top and I'm underneath him.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer to me. He bent down, kissing my neck and sucking in a few places. He lightly bit me and sucked a hickey into my collarbone. He kissed up to my jaw and I pulled his lips back to mine, kissing him hungrily. He ground his hips into mine and moaned at the friction. He pulled back lightly, his smirk evident. "You're so sexy." My cheeks heated up and he kissed the corner of my mouth. I moved my hands from his waist to his chest and he shuddered as I traced his muscles. I bit my lip and I looked up into his eyes. The usual blue darkened with lust and I smirked. "I'm not stopping you." I whispered and his lips parted slightly. He got up and went to my door, the lock clicked a second later.

I stood in front of the mirror, Wade's voice drifting from the shower. "Hey Petey can you hand me a towel?" I shifted my weight and grabbed a towel off the counter. I reached and he grabbed it from my grip. The shower shut off and he stepped out of the tub, his waist covered. He smiled, which grew bigger when he saw the hickeys on my neck. "Oh baby." I had to have at least a dozen that I couldn't hide. "My parents are gonna kill us." I muttered and brushed the hair out of my face. "Eh, you'll be fine. I'm thinking we should go out for a swing." I grinned and bolted into my room.

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