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We didn't go far. Wade brought me to the kitchen and he set me down on the counter. "I know for a fact you haven't eaten much today, so how about we have...Waffles?" He laughed when my face lit up and he got to work. "Peter!" I huffed when I heard Dad yelling for me. "In here!" I called back. Wade continued making food for us when Dad and Pops came into the kitchen. "Sam said you were being difficult." I looked down at my hands. "Sam was being insensitive towards me and he asked what happened to Peter that made him to not be the passionate crime fighting kid you make him out to be." Wade answered lowly, his back still turned to the couple. Pops sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. "We get that the orphanage cau-" "It wasn't my time in foster care that made me walled off." I interrupted. Dad motioned for me to continue. I leaned against the cabinets behind me and looked up at the ceiling. "I came into the hero world wanting to be an Avenger. Fighting for the world and saving people. Then May died and I didn't feel worthy. I didn't feel like I deserved a spot on the world's best crimefighting team. Then Ultron happened. And I saw what fighting for the world meant. I thought I would be okay with it, but the amount of deaths I caused, the people that got hurt because I wanted to play around...then I died." I let out a short breath and looked to Wade, seeing his small frown. "Being Spiderman and saving my city means I have control, I can save a lot of people in one night. I can't save the world. I can't die and one day I'm going to have to replace you, keep the world from falling into the hands of fucked up people."

It grew quiet and I slid off the counter, finding my way to Wade. He opened his arms and welcomed me into a hug. "We didn't know." Dad muttered, his voice sounding strained. "Because I didn't show. I gave my time in the system, I let it serve as a break. Granted I wasn't mentally or physically okay, I still was able to work with myself. I won't give up on the world, but I also won't always be there when you have it handled." Wade tapped my back and I moved so he could tend to our food. Dad and Pops left the room, their shock hanging in the air. I went to sit on the bar behind Wade.

"I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself. Are...Do you think I made a mistake when I gave you my blood?" I could hear the pain in his voice. "No." I whispered, staring at the back of his head. He stood there, not moving and I had a feeling he's afraid to turn around. I stayed silent, not sure what to say. All I know is that deep down, I know I can't leave him alone on this cruel rock.

It was silent, intensely silent. That was until a blood curdling scream ripped through the tower. I jumped up and back flipped off the counter. I broke into a sprint, the screaming still continuing. I traced it to Pietro's room. I ran there, being the first to arrive, though I knew I wasn't going to be the last. I charged in, finding an unconscious and writhing blonde boy on the floor. I knelt down next to him, taking a punch to the gut and face while I tried to wake him. I looked up to the doorway and found Pops and Nat looking worried and frozen. "Where's Wanda?" I demanded. Nat shrugged and Pops shook his head. "She left, something about Vision." I looked at Pietro and sighed softly. "I'm sorry Piet." I tugged a web slinger down from its resting place on my forearm to my wrist. "Karen switch to shock webs." My web slingers made a small noise and I moved from my position next to the flailing boy to straddling his waist.

Then I shot the webs into his chest. He sat up and rubbed his chest, pain and fear in his eyes. Our faces were only a few inches apart and I scrambled out of his lap, my face burning. "Pietro?" I muttered, squatting next to him. He flinched before looking at me and relaxing. "Clint." He whispered. I furrowed my eyebrows and put my hand on his shoulder. "Piet, Clint retired...he's with family." Pietro's eyes plunged into sadness and I watched him tear up. Something more was going on. "I-I know...can I just see him though?" He asked, his voice breaking in certain places. I looked back at Nat and she nodded quickly. "We'll see if we can get him here for a day. Want to tell me why you were screaming?" He tensed and shook my hand off his shoulder. "No." I decided not to push it and stood up. "Come on, I think you should eat something and wait for Wanda to get home." I held out my hand and he took it, hoisting himself up.

I went back to the kitchen, Pietro behind me. I found Wade eating some of the waffles and when he saw me and Pietro, he dished up two more plates. "Hey, you okay?" His question directed to Pietro. The white haired man nodded and I slid onto a seat, my stomach grumbling. Pietro sat down a seat down from me, eating absentmindedly. I began to eat and Wade rested a hand on my thigh. I smiled softly and leaned into his shoulder, still eating quietly. I heard Pietro shuffle and then stand up. He shot a glare at the window and left the room. "Is he okay?" Wade mumbled quietly. "I don't know. The first thing he asked for was Clint...something might've happened when I left. Clint was always the one who would comfort or talk some sense into a person." I laid a hand on top of the hand resting on my thigh. "Thank you for feeding me." Wade chuckled and kissed my forehead. "Anytime Pete."

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