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I stayed in my room all morning. Sam's comment about me made me upset, does the rest of the team think I'm just some kid that happens to have a tragic backstory and an odd power dynamic going on? Was I just a pity party to them? Something to laugh and joke about when I wasn't watching. A charity case?

That sent me nearly into hysterics. Why would they go through so much trouble just to berate me behind my back? Maybe it's funny, raise the hopes of the damaged foster kid, see how fair we can take him before we drop him off a cliff. I sighed and looked up at my ceiling. I miss Aunt May. She was the only one who understood and even when I royally fucked up her life, she still loved me. At least I hope she did. The guilt of her death pressed heavily on my stomach and I swallowed thickly. The time I spent in the orphanage didn't help. I felt like I stomped all over her memory. She wanted me to adjust and instead I moped and died a few times. What a poor sorry excuse of a nei-nephew.

I heard footsteps approaching my room and I made it seem like I was sleeping. I didn't want to be bothered, I just wanted to be alone and wallow. Wallowing is what I do best. The door swung open and I heard someone inhale before letting out a blood curdling scream. Chills ran down my spine and I sat up, taking in the scene. Pietro smiled wide from my doorway. "Hey Parker, it's lunch time." I frowned and laid back down, not interested in seeing anyone. "Not hungry." "Oh come on, are you upset about my screaming?" Pietro mocked in a baby voice. I bit back a frustrated groan and stayed silent. "Is wittle Parker upset?" I heard Pietro take a step inside and I shot up, shooting a web at him. It knocked him back into the hallway and I shut the door with another web.

"STARK YOUR SON IS A PRICK!" I rolled my eyes. Says the guy who nearly killed me and didn't even thank me when I took 15 bullets to save his sorry ass. I laid back in bed and curled into the blankets.

I only got 5 minutes of quiet before my door swung open again. "Peter you've got to eat." Pops spoke softly. He moved toward my bed and I stayed silent, hoping he'd leave me alone. "Pete I know you're awake." He rolled me over and smiled at my open and bored expression. "Not hungry." His smile dropped and he sighed. "You've got to start eating regularly, you're going to hurt yourself if you don't." I shrugged and rolled back into a ball. "Not like it's going to do anything." I reminded him quietly. "Pete that's not the point. Whether you can die or not, you still can't use that as an excuse to not take care of yourself." I shrugged again and cuddled more into the soft material. Pops sighed and picked me up. I yelled out and tried to go back to my bed. "Nope, you can't be in your room hating yourself all day." I stayed still for a moment, holding my breath. Maybe if I make him believe I'm dead..."Pete you're bad at acting." He carried me out to the lounge and set me on the couch. Dad eyed me from across the room and I played with the strings to my sweats. "Pete is something wrong?" I shook my head and continued to stare down.

What if they kick me out? I want to kick me out. What if they realize I'm too much? Too fucked up? I tensed when I heard someone laugh behind me. I wrapped my arms around my bare stomach and curled into myself. I tried to get the thoughts out of my head, but they only swirled into what became an endless whirlpool of despair. I didn't even try to fight, I just let myself get sucked in.

I didn't even try to say anything or think of an excuse. I stood up and left the room, feeling all the eyes following me out. "Peter!" I ignored the call and went towards the lab. I just need to clear my head. I got to the lab and Friday let me in. I heard voices and I looked around, finding the Guardians. Rocket is working on some stuff while the rest of them are standing around talking. "Hey Peter!" Gamora greeted and I waved halfheartedly. I made it to my workstation and sighed at all the unfinished work. "Karen bring up Webfluid 4.02." My notes popped up on my computer and I looked through them. "Isn't this Tony's?" Rocket asked, hopping on my desk. "This is my stuff." Gamora laughed at Rocket's surprise and I went to the chemical cabinet to get my materials. I'm trying to configure a webfluid that's stickier and harder to dissolve. Maybe even burns certain compositions. I got back to my desk and opened the mini chemical lab I have off to the side. "So you're all just geniuses?" I shrugged and put the googles on my face. "My dad was a scientist."

I mixed the chemicals and watched as it started to rise in the flask. I went to stir it and yelled out in pain when the mixture touched my skin. This shouldn't have hurt, what the fuck? "Karen analyze wound and cause of the wound." "You have a 4th degree chemical burn, it seems your body has a new chemical makeup." I furrowed my eyebrows and looked to see if anyone is still in here. Quill and Gamora are at the otherside of the lab, talking quietly. No one else. I need a blood sample. "Peter? Gamora? Can you two step out?" The two space beings complied and walked out of the lab. "Friday lockdown the lab."

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