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I readied the needle to my arm. I slowly pushed it into my elbow crease and watched as my blood started to fill the small vial. I blinked at it, it's not the same color. Once I had 3 vials full of my blood, I pulled the needle out and watched as the small puncture wound closed. I quickly got off the counter I sat on and reached for my phone. "Mr. Parker, Tony Stark is coming to the lab." "Unlock the doors." I hid the blood and dialed the number I needed.

Dad walked in and stopped when he saw my working. He went to say something, but I held up a finger as my person answered. "Hey Petey, are you okay?" I smiled softly. "Yeah I'm okay, can you come to the tower? I need to test something and I need you." "On my way." He hung up and I started to tend to my wound. "Peter what's on your hand?" Dad grabbed my arm gently and looked at the burn. "Chemical burn." It was already healing, more rapidly than what I'm used to. "I was mixing new web fluid and I forgot to wear gloves, nothing bad. 1st degree." I lied with a small smile. Dad frowned and released my hand. "Why is Wade coming?" "I wanted to look at a blood sample, see what difference if any when it comes in contact with mine."

The doors opened and Pops walked in, Wade behind him. "There you are, why is Wilson here?" Dad chuckled and I grabbed Wade's hand. "Would you mind it if I took some of your blood?" Wade shook his head and I tapped the counter. He jumped up on it and pulled me closer to him. "I want a kiss first." I laughed softly and stood up on my tippy toes to reach him. Our lips connected and he held my face while my hands grabbed his wrists, holding him in place. Someone cleared their throat and we pulled away, our faces not far apart. "Still a minor." Pops muttered and I sighed.

"Okay left arm please." Wade extended his arm and I slowly traced the scars, fascinated. "I don't know how you could like those." "I think it's unique and makes you stronger." I readied the needle and pushed it into his arm. The blood started to fill a vial and noticed our blood is the same color. "What're you testing for?" I looked back at my parents and saw them watching us quietly. I lowered my voice, "I got hurt from something I've used a billion times. I wanted to see if some of my cells took on components of yours." Wade frowned lightly. "Do you think I gave you cancer?" I tensed. "No, I think...I think the radiation in my DNA and in yours chemically bonded and it changed some things." I put my hand on Wade's cheek and he leaned into my hand. After I filled the third vial, I pulled the needle out and watched his arm heal quickly. "How fast does simple healing take?" Wade stayed quiet for a few seconds, "Anything that doesn't result in death or regeneration normally takes 1-2 minutes. Something small like that will take seconds."

Wade sat on a stool next to my desk and I tested out chemicals on drops of his blood and drops of mine. "Pete, we've got a meeting with Eyepatch. Guardians will be down here with you and Wade, don't do anything stupid." Pops and Dad left and Wade grinned. "I don't think a bunch of space weirdos will care if I kiss you." I chuckled and turned away from my experiments. Wade grabbed my bare hips and pulled me in between his legs. "Maybe I can convince my parents to let me out tonight." I mumbled. "I'd like that." I leaned forward, pressing my lips to his in a hurry. His response is quick and he took dominance faster than I could. He bit my bottom lip and pulled back with a sly smile. "As much as I would love to continue this right here, I can hear your space friends coming." I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him quickly before pulling away and turning back to my work.

I dropped a drop of the same chemical I used earlier in a sample of his blood and mine. It sizzled in my blood but combined with his. I furrowed my eyebrows and held out my hand. The Guardians walked in and I dropped a few drops of the chemical onto my skin. It bubbled and burnt through my flesh. "Peter what are you doing?" Gamora asked, her voice confused and slightly panicked. I ignored her and turned to Wade. "Calcium Bicarbonate, doesn't burn you but it burns me." Wade stuck out his hand and I dropped a few drops onto his scarred skin. "Nothing, it tingles but it doesn't hurt." He commented and wiped the chemical on his pants. I grabbed a slide for my microscope and dropped a few drops of my blood on the surface. I looked at it under the microscope and dropped a few drops of Calcium Bicarbonate onto the slide.

I watched my blood and the chemical compound mix, except it didn't bond and create another substance, it absorbed it and the compound disappeared. My blood stayed the same, nothing changed. I lifted my head and looked at Wade. "My blood absorbs the chemical, yet yours doesn't do anything." Wade shrugged and swung his feet around. "I didn't give that to you, could be anything. You did say you were injected with a sleeping agent, have you experienced anything different since?" I thought back to yesterday, it felt like the world slowed down, no even saw me hover for a few seconds. "No." I lied and Wade shrugged again. "Could just be a weird adaptation. I don't have immunity to chemical compounds, that's my go to when I need quiet." I nodded and took the slide out from under the microscope. "Sorry for using you as a lab rat." Wade chuckled and stuck his thumbs under the waistband of my sweats, pulling me closer yet again. "I don't mind helping you find stuff out. I think your science talk is cute, though I can never understand the half of it." Someone cleared their throat and I sighed, looking over my shoulder. Sam crossed his arms and rose an eyebrow at us.

I looked back at Wade and he looked confused. "Who's that?" He whispered and I rolled my eyes. "Pops' new friend, I don't like him much." Wade nodded and put his head on my chest. "Can I stay with you tonight?" He asked lowly. "Of course." I ran my hands down his neck and he sighed in content. "It gets so quiet at home, I hate being alone." My heart clenched, he sounds so lonely. "Well, you always have a place with me." He lifted his head up and I smiled softly.

He went to go kiss me, but Sam cleared his throat again. "Can I help you?" He took a step closer and Wade turned me so that my back is pressed to his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist protectively. Sam gave him a sour look and stopped. "Steve said you can't be left unattended with him." He thrusts his hand out to point at Wade. Wade stiffened lightly and I ran my hands slightly over his skin. "Stop pointing, didn't your mother teach you manners?" I snapped and Sam dropped his hand. "Steve talked of a sweet, crimefighting kid. Where the hell did that go?" I turned my head to look at the wall. "I learned of the real horrors that being an Avenger brings. The horrors that killed me. Had me shot 15 times." I separated myself from Wade and grabbed his hand. "I need to get out of here." I whimpered and he nodded, lifting me in his arms. "Congrats, you've officially made it 10 times harder for him to trust you." Wade growled, stalking passed Sam with me cuddled to his chest.

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