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I fidgeted with my hands. It's been a week since Wade left. I want to go to him. A part of me believes he's in Canada. I stared at my phone, my eyes blurring after so long. "Pete?" I jumped and turned to look at the person. Aunt Nat smiled sympathetically. "Go." She urged and I blinked, not really registering. "Go to him." I nodded and stood up, swaying slightly. "Wait! Where is he?" Clint asked from the couch. I twisted my ring and looked at it. "Friday what's the location of WWER 209?" "Wade Wilson is currently in Canada. Would you like to see a picture taken earlier this morning?" Friday responded and I put a hand on my stomach. "Yes please." The TV changed from the news to Wade and another guy. "Who is that?" Nat inquired. her voice skeptical. "That is Matt Murdock, AKA Daredevil. Or Uncle Matt." I listed off and stretched. "Friday how fast can you get me there?" "By tonight Mr. Stark." I grinned and left the room.

I hugged Nat and she promised to tell Dad where I was going. She was a bit worried because of the baby, but I assured her everything will be fine. I even got onto and will be getting off the plane in the wheelchair Dad found for me. I slowly got out of the wheelchair and lowered myself to the floor, I liked the rumbling of the plane against my thighs.

I must've fallen asleep because I woke up to an alarm going off in the plane. "Friday what's going on?" I muttered groggily. "It seems there is a storm, would you like me to go faster or touch down somewhere?" My stomach grumbled and I frowned. "How much longer do we have?" "32 minutes." I pulled myself into the wheelchair and wheeled to the front of the plane. "Keep going, stay lower to the ground and let me know of any big disturbances in the atmosphere." I ordered and I felt the plane dip down. I twisted my ring nervously and hoped he wouldn't be mad for me going to him. What if he doesn't want anything to do with Percy and I anymore? What if he regret getting with me? What if he hates that the baby isn't his?

I almost asked Friday to turn around when the plane suddenly dipped then landed. "We're here." I shakily ran my hand over the movement pad and felt the wheelchair jerk forward. The planes hatch opened and I maneuvered the chair onto the ground. I'm in front of a house on a patch of land. The plane's hatch closed and I breathed out heavily. Maybe I shouldn't do this. "What the fuck?" I heard someone ask and I recognized that voice very clearly. Uncle Matt. "Wade I swear to God! I hear one more unexplainable noise, I'm going to beat your ass. "I'm sure it's pretty explainable...Peter?" I tensed and Wade rushed off the porch of the house to come meet me. "Why are you in a wheelchair?" He questioned when he reached me and I played with my hands. "Is Perce okay?" His voice cracked and I felt guilty. "Percy is alive, I have a wheelchair until I'm deemed well enough to move long distances on my own." His face brightened a bit and he squatted down in front of me. "I'm sorry." I whispered and he smiled softly. "I know. I shouldn't have left...I love you and that kid way too damn much to see something bad happen." I pulled him into me and he hugged me tightly. "I love you too."

Wade wheeled me into the house when it started to rain and only then did I feel comfortable standing up. I stretched and felt for the baby's heartbeat. I found it pulsing strongly and I breathed happily. "Matt." I said and the blind man turned to me. "Pete. How's May?" I bowed my head. I thought he would've known by now. "She passed away about a year ago...I'm sorry Matt." He nodded stiffly and rubbed at his neck. "I figured...after her number was redirected. I only hoped you were okay. Are you okay? Do you have another person with you?" I looked at Wade and he smirked. "His senses are spectacular." I chuckled and sat down on the couch, leaning into the old material. "I'm doing well. I live with Tony Stark and what's left of the team. That other person is my baby, he's currently brewing." Wade snorted and sat next to me on the couch. "Wade's?" Matt took a seat in the chair across from the couch and I could tell he was slightly uncomfortable. "No...Percy is a result of a kidnapping." I didn't want to go too far into detail and Wade picked up on it.

"About 10 months ago, he was kidnapped by Hydra on a patrol through Queens. It was either my death or his kidnapping. He's only been home for about 2 months." Wade gripped my hand and I looked away. I haven't been doing well since he left. I only hope the nightmares and panic attacks are done now. "I'm sorry to hear Peter. Are you doing better now?" I hummed, not trusting my voice. My watch started to ring and I slipped a comm into my ear. I clicked answer and a little hologram of Dad and Nat showed up. "Hey Kid, found him?" I nodded and looked to my left. Wade noticed my look and went to go sit next to Matt. I got up and walked into the kitchen.

"What happened at the meeting?" Dad had to go to a meeting about the accords. "They want to disband the accords. But that also means that Fury will want the team to get back together." Nat sighed and rubbed her arms. "We don't think it's a good idea...getting the team back together. At least the old members. Thor and Bruce are MIA, Clint wants to have a family with Pietro and I'm just not up for fighting anymore. Steve is out of the picture and your dad just wants to lead the rest of his life as normal as he can. But that also means we have to find recruits." They both looked at me and I tilted my head to look at Wade. He's animatedly describing me to Matt and Matt is smiling ear to ear. "I...I don't know guys. I'm going to get married. Percy is going to be born in 7 months and I..." I trailed off and tried to picture the world without the Avengers. "Let me think it over. It's not a no, but I need some time to mull it over."

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