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"There has been no sightings of Peter Stark-Rogers since Friday night. If you have any information to his whereabouts, please call Tony Stark at this number." Steve shut off the TV and Tony blew out a shaky breath. "I just want my little boy back." He turned and buried his face in his husband's shoulder. "I know, we'll get him back." Steve ran his hands through Tony's hair. Wade stepped into the room looking like shit. He hadn't slept and he had been drinking all night. He couldn't get the face his heart made when he was shot in the head. The way his eyes widened in panic and you could see the heartbreak. Wade winced and held onto the wall for support. He just wanted to never wake up again. Nat ran in, her face bright with hope. "Fury thinks they might've gotten a ping back on his blood. Come on." The three men ran from the room, but Wade only brought the mask he so desperately wished he could hand back.

A week went by. That week was hell. I was sexually assaulted by 2 different men a day, I was beaten after each assault, and I was starved most days. I could feel my life slipping away and I knew I wouldn't live long enough for someone to find me. I was shown footage of Dad and Wade going passed my cell several time. After so many times, I lost hope.

The door opened and I lifted my head, the collar digging into my neck. 3 days ago, a nail was inserted into the collar and when I moved too much, the nail dug into my neck. I was sure it was rusty by now, surely I'd get tetanus before I died of starvation or stress. The same man, who visited me after every beating, walked in with a small smile. "Hello Peter. How are you?" I stopped talking my third day. After getting no response, the man smiled wider. "Good, listen...it has come to our attention you are weak." I felt hope swirl into my stomach. Are they going to take my collar off? The man came closer and held up a pair of handcuffs. "Now you have an option. We can experiment on you and you can stopped being used as a sex toy, or we can let you die." He dangled the handcuffs in front of me and I thought it over. I licked my lips and opened my mouth, "Deal, but I need my testosterone." The man narrowed his eyes and stalked forward. "Now why would we offer you that luxury?" I cowered slightly and held my head up high, trying to seem brave. "If one of your men impregants me, I'll surely die and you'll have to care for a crying and loud baby."

He glared at me before snapping the handcuffs around my bruised wrists. "Fine." He pulled the collar off my neck and I sighed in relief when the nail exited my neck. "Now come on, we have to move you. Fight back and we will make your torture worse." Any plan of escape left my head and I nodded. The man gripped my shoulder and led me out of the room. I stumbled along next to him. We turned corners and went through endless doorways before we stepped into daylight. "Sir! The Avengers are a block away." My heart fluttered and I longed for my family. "Well hurry up then, we need to move the two now." The man shoved me toward a truck. "Get in and shut up." I did as I was told and I heard the shouts of familiar voices. "Where is Peter?" Tears welled up in my eyes. Behind me, a gun cocked and the cold barrel pressed against my head. I choked on a breath and stayed quiet.

I saw the big truck and I knew he was in there. I tried to get close, but the amounts of men keeping me away was too much. However I did recognize the symbol on their jackets. "Guys they're Hydra!" I shouted, earning the attention of Steve. His face dropped and he looked at Tony fearfully. The truck started to pull away, "FOLLOW THE TRUCK!" I shouted and took off down the street.

The truck started to move and I released the breath I was holding. "Good job маленький паук." I recognized the name as 'Little Spider'. The man who held the gun to my head moved into view and I recognized him as the man in a lot of Pops' pictures. "Bucky." The man's face split into surprise. "You know me?" I nodded and looked at the floor. He did a lot of bad stuff and I felt the fear bubble in my stomach. "My pops is your best friend. He talks highly of you." I muttered and kept my eyes trained to the floor. "My best friend died in World War Two. Don't deceive me boy." I looked up and he raised his metal arm up. I closed my eyes and a second later the cold metal collided with my face. I spit out some blood and wiped away the rest with my handcuffed hands. "Don't kill the boy, he's valuable." Bucky stepped away from me and sat down on the floor of the truck. I slid down the wall opposite to him.

I woke when someone stomped down on my ankle, surely breaking it. I whimpered and attempted to stand up. I fell into the metal wall and crashed to the floor. "Pick him up, the Avengers followed us here." A cool metal arm went under my knees and I was hoisted into the air. The room spun and I cried out when a hand gripped my broken ankle. "Don't give us away." The voice hissed and I nodded dizzily. "Don't worry kid, I'll get us out of here." Bucky spoke from above. I turned to look at him and I saw the humanity in his eyes. The same look he gave in all those pictures Pops has.

Bucky stepped outside and shouting entered my ears. I winced and tried to cover my ears, but the handcuffs stopped me from spreading my hands apart. I whined and tried to stop the headache brewing. "I see him!" Someone shouted. "Stop them!" Another yelled. Bucky ran into a bunker and I was handed off to another person. I looked up and saw this person wearing a sad smile. "Don't worry kid, we won't kill you." A needle poked into my neck and a second later I blacked out.

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