Chapter 40 : Deal for good

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Take a deep breath.

I've been repeating it to myself since this morning on the way to the university. My heart was beating faster than normal for one simple reason was that I had a dinner with Jennie's parents tonight. Well, they didn't really know who was going to show up at their door. I was only praying that they wouldn't kick me out or bury me alive in the park next door. Because I doubted I would have time to warn one of my friends or my mother who would probably laugh if that happened.

"Professor? Professor?" one of my students called me and everyone stared at me. It wasn't me with my head in the clouds.

"I'm sorry. You said?" 

"Could you please explain the feudal system again?"

Jennie who was sitting in the front row looked at me with a slightly worried look on her face. She mouthed a 'are you okay?' and I answered her with a subtle nod. I managed to resume the lecture and stayed focused until the end. Thanks to my students who asked me a lot of questions since they had few classes left before their first exams so I forgot about the dinner. 

I gave the students a few pointers to guide them in their studies because it is important that they know what to remember and focus on. I find it shameful to have students study an 800-page syllabus only to be questioned on 5 pages of lectures. 

So at the end of the class, some of them came to my desk to ask me questions that I didn't raise during the class. They lined up with their syllabus and pen in hand to write down a few annotations. Their questions were generally relevant, which reassured me that they had understood and, above all, that they had started working.

"Thank you for your explanation professor! Goodbye," he bowed at me before leaving with his backpack. This question session had exhausted me, forcing me to close my eyes for a few seconds knowing that Jennie was waiting in front of me after she went to close the door.

"You seem exhausted," she went around the table to stand behind me. She bent over, placing her arms around me and burying her face in my neck, giving a few light kisses.

"A bit stressed but it's okay," I stroked her arms still with eyes closed. I moaned as she massaged my shoulders, pressing her thumb on the bottom of my neck and then following my spine. When I think about how talented her hands are, I realize I was a lucky bastard.

"Is it because the dinner tonight?"

"I'm stressed out about everything, dinner, these exams, everything," She sat on my lap stroking my hair to calm my nerves. My arms found their place around her waist. I had my head pressed against her chest allowing me to listen to her heartbeat.

"Don't worry, everything will be all right, and for dinner, I've warned my parents to behave when you arrive. I don't care if they're not happy with my choice but they have no right to be mean to you because they don't know you," she kissed my cheek and smiled at me. She was so sweet that it was harder and harder to not fall for this girl. 

"Thank you," I took her hand in mine and brought it to my lips. I saw the time displayed on my phone screen on the table making me realize that the class wasn't over yet, "Hey, you wouldn't have class now," I looked at her suspiciously. She immediately showed a guilty look as she tried to make amends with a smile and soft eyes.

"I saw that you didn't seem fine, so I figured losing a few minutes in history class wouldn't be so bad?" she tried to make the situation less dramatic but we both knew that skipping class was a big no for me, especially when it was the last time she had a chance to ask her questions.

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