Chapter 28 : Your real face

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I was washing my hands in the bathroom in the accounting building. This morning I had to go to the administration department to update my documents and ID card. Because of this, I had to come earlier than usual since the building was on the other side of campus. It was horrifying to walk through the huge park when it was so empty. There were apartments where students were staying but most of them were still sleeping and would probably miss half the day. Often they were party people because the last years loved to throw parties in their place. And if you didn't go, you were considered a total loser. Yes, it's a stupid mentality among young rich people, well, their parents were not them. 

I looked at myself one last time in the mirror by applying eye shadow on my eyelid before putting the palette back in my bag. My first class started in about 15 minutes, giving me plenty of time to walk across campus to the building. I had better be on time if I didn't want to get scolded by Ms. Manoban. Because, yes, she was strict about punctuality. If I were her, I wouldn't waste my time on this. In fact, I'd be one of the coolest teachers in the school. We put too much pressure on the kids for nothing nowadays. 

I opened the door to come face to face with Ms. Bae, Lisa's perfect assistant. I only came across people I didn't want to meet in the toilet. 

I gave her a fake smile and greeted her politely. She had felt that it was not honest, nevertheless she made no comment, at least not at all.

"Miss Kim, I didn't expect to see you in the accounting building. Are you thinking of changing majors?" she casually asked washing her hands. She wore a suit that highlighted her slender body without being too thin. I was jealous to admit that she had everything to please. Well, the notion of perfection is to be reviewed because my instinct tells me that she hides her venom and only waits to spit it out.

"I needed to sort out some administrative problems but everything is in order now. And no, I wouldn't do anything but change majors, especially with a professor like Ms. Manoban," I looked at my freshly manicured nails with my back leaning against the door.

She turned on her heels while drying her hands with a tissue and looked at me skeptically. I had pointed to a delicate subject and I was finally going to get what she had in mind. 

"You two seem to be very close, am I wrong?" she leaned on the sink and crossed her arms. She had an aura that made you shiver only with me it didn't work. Little bitches don't scare me and Ms. Bae was no exception.

"The fact that I go to her house and see her outside of school hours we could say that we are relatively close. Some moments more than others," I innocently smiled. I had just offended her because I had just given a hint of my relationship with Lisa, and especially because I wasn't ashamed.

"It's very inappropriate for you to talk about your professor like that. Maybe you're misinterpreting Lisa's sympathy," her tone was full of hatred. She implied that I'm an idiot in my fantasy with my professor. I held back from ratting out every time we slept together because it was none of her business. Besides, Lisa would again call me immature.

"I think I'm old enough to know the difference. Well, it's been a pleasure chatting with you, Ms. Bae. But I have to get to class, so I'll probably see you, won't I? I've already stepped outside. She didn't move and she looked more pissed off than ever.

"Yes, I'll see you there. Miss Kim, don't think your little plan will work. Lisa's not the type to waste her time with girls who don't know what they want in life. I don't think she ever mentioned wanting to parent and educate some brats," 

"Oh, you know, it's not for me to decide what Ms. Manoban wants or doesn't want. You'll just have to ask her what she prefers," I winked at her in spite of being bubbling with rage inside. The woman was just a demon underneath her well-educated demeanor. 

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