Chapter 31 : Our dearest parents

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The sound of the copying machines was starting to become part of my routine. Mostly it reminded me of where I was and how much work I still had to do. We all had a routine, but it was different as some professors enriched their days by talking to their colleagues about how desperate they were and how seriously they were thinking about leaving their jobs even though students were supposed to be young adults - mature adults. Sadly, some of them still haven't left that teenage soul, so I could sometimes sympathize with them because I have a few cases in my class as well.

I knocked my cup of coffee on the table leaving a frustrated puff causing my friends, Jisoo and Rosé, to frown and glare at me because of the coffee drops that splashed on their sheets. At no time did I feel guilty because I was too annoyed since last night and it only got worse this morning.

"Lisa, I know my lesson sheets aren't that attractive but I don't need you to decorate them with your coffee," Jisoo pushed it away to one side with a protective look.

"What's going on, Lis?" it was Rosé's turn, who delicately placed her ink pen on the table and crossed her arms waiting for me to confess. She should have undertaken studies in psychology because her aura and posture could lead many to confess their secrets. But once again, it wasn't always a good idea when that person is a friend of yours. I'd even say this scene is déjà vu.

"Are we gonna go back to playing Lisa interrogation time?" I scoffed. I took another sip of my unusually bitter coffee today and slammed it on the table. Too bad, it was empty because I would have liked to decorate Jisoo's lessons a bit more, it still lacks too much liveliness for my taste.

"You know what? The face of a person who looks like she hasn't taken a shit in three days, frustrated puffiness and bad mood leads to only one cause, Jennie Kim," she saw that I said nothing but rolling my eyes so she snapped her fingers," aha! I knew it!"

"What? Again? Seriously Lisa? I thought we were clear last time," Rosé threw her head backwards raising her arms in the air crying out in desperation that our conversation last time had been useless.

"I still don't understand why you're taking a chance with this girl when you know the rules so well. Besides, you're new here and instead of being discreet, you're clearly putting your professional life at risk,"

"I totally agree with Jisoo. Are there so few choices in girls that you have to fall back on one of your students? Why don't you turn to Suzy?"

"For the last time, Suzy is just a friend whose my mom keeps forcing me to create a relationship that I can't do because I'm not interested and she still doesn't get it because tonight I have to take her to a restaurant with her," my forehead against the metal table and my fist hitting it two or three times making the rest of our colleagues stop what they're doing and look at us with a confused look on their faces.

"It's funny how you can have a Ph.D. but your mother still treats you like a kid and force you to make choices." Jisoo wasn't wrong. When I was younger, I thought if I could prove to my mother that I was capable and responsible, she'd let me go with those bullshit stories. As you can see the result, it's a total fail. 

"Just wish me good luck," I saluted them before dragging my feet towards the exit of the room. The day had only just begun but I could only think of one thing, and that was to finish it as quickly as possible.

They always say that there is a first time for everything and today was the first time Jennie missed my class. Jennie never missed my classes for some reason that I would rather not dwell on. 

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