Chapter 13 : Teach the lesson

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Flying papers in the air and a fist slamming the desk with anger, I had learned on Sunday evening that a certain video of a Seoulite University student had been circulating on social networks. I gritted my teeth when I heard the name of this person because I wasn't really curious about the incident until I received a short text message from Jisoo.

'What is Jennie Kim doing at your place?'

That's how the ultra taboo secret broke out. It took less time than I thought. Before I could react, Chaeng and Jisoo were already waiting for my explanations this morning when I arrived at the teachers' room. With their arms crossed and a disappointed look on their faces, they did not say a single word. Luckily we were the only ones in the room because it was very embarrassing. For the first time in my life, I felt scared and could only gulp.

If I knew I was going to have extra parents when I came to work here, I wouldn't have chosen this university. 

"Care to explain?" they sat down and took their seats on the two chairs facing me. Suddenly we each had a role, I was the criminal and they were the officers.

"How did you know it was my place?" like any criminal, the survival instinct was activated and the first thing to look for was to find a way to get out of this shit as quickly as possible before being definitively trapped. 

"Come on Lisa, don't play the dumb card! Maybe I should list for you the number of times we've been to your place? Do you also want me to describe every room in your apartment?" Rosé shut me down. I had no way out because she had just taken away all my solutions. I'm somewhat regretting having such clever friends.

"The question is not how we know it's your place, but why one of your students was at your home on a Saturday fornicating in your living room," 

"Chu, that's too precise and please use simpler words," Rosé rolled her eyes at the stupidity of Jisoo. She always tries to use words in a vocabulary she didn't use that I wasn't even sure she understood the meaning of it. 

"Yes, I admit I lied to you about giving private lessons at school but at my place. Plus what you see in the video is purely edited," I said in a defensive tone.

"You may be full of knowledge and insight, but you are a bad liar. So you're going to explain this story to us right now because I don't like the way it's going," I was looking at each in turn and none of them seemed ready to drop out of this discussion. Still I couldn't spend the whole day being interrogated like a murderer.

I scratched my head frustratedly, wanting to scream with all my might. If I wasn't a professor, no one would care about my sex life.

"All right. I gave private lessons to Kim at my place during weekends. On Saturday I may have gone off the rails, but we hadn't gone any further," I avoided their eyes because I had just lied again in front of them. 

No, I was half lying. 

On Saturday, apart from finding my finger in the bottom of her vagina, we didn't go any further. This time, we were saved by her call, her parents wanted her to go home. But of course I had lied about the fact that I had not exceeded that limit. Should I just tell them that my dick accidentally slipped into her after three weeks of class? They'll say it's a scenario straight out of Pornhub.

No, I don't go on Pornhub. 

"Do you realize that what you just did is against the morals and values of the institution but especially those of a professor?" Rosé paced around in the room thinking about how she was going to get me out of this mess. I don't even see why they were so worried, they couldn't even see my face! Besides, apart from them and Jennie, no one knew what my apartment looked like.

Bad lust - JENLISAKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat