Chapter 39 : She is dangerous

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The sound of the spoon stirring the slightest bit of sugar in my coffee was the only thing you could hear in the faculty room. For the first time this year, I managed to have the room to myself. Usually, there were always at least two professors sitting by the photocopier discussing their golf tournament last weekend. 

I tapped my fingers on the table with my head in the clouds. It was the end of the day, I was supposed to leave an hour ago except I didn't feel like it. Maybe I wanted to see someone and go home with her since she wasn't here today. 

I can't think of anyone else but Jennie of course. 

She had sent me a text to tell me she had something urgent to deal with. At first I was a little worried, but I soon realized the real reason for her absence, so I was more worried than I was. I was not blind to not knowing what was going on at the university. It was no different than high school, where students loved to gossip. Social networks were the means to circulate information whether it was useful or not, true or false. People didn't really care as long as there was something to gossip about.

The more time passed, the more I wondered if I was happy as a teacher. I mean, I never doubted that I enjoyed teaching and learning new things to my apprentices, but I just feel like I'm in the wrong place. This place was infested with spoiled young people that I was afraid they would have a hard time once they landed on the field. 

I was thinking about finding a place where I would feel at home. A place where I can do my job and still be happy. Because let's be honest, I chose one of the most prestigious universities in the city to prove to my mother that I could take care of myself and especially to avoid her snooping around my life like she tried to do with Suzy. My mother was an incomprehensible species but deep down I loved her because she took care of me and I know that she only wants good for me. Only sometimes what she thinks is good for her is not always good for me.

I know she was hurt when she came to my house on the weekend. She didn't like Jennie, but that wasn't what worried me, because in time my mother will adjust. What worried me was that she would do thoughtless things like at this moment when I wonder if she has arrived in Berlin. 

I shook off the thoughts when the door of the room opened. My two friends walked in with their huge books laying them down in front of me before they took a chair and sat down around the table.

"What's up, hoe," Jisoo casually asked receiving a glare from Rosé. She hated it when we cursed, especially when we were in university.

"Don't worry, we're not gonna shower you with questions. I guess you've seen the mystery photo that's been circulating on Twitter and I guess you know who the two people are," Rosé added before I could say anything. She got up, grabbed a cup from the cupboard and made herself a coffee.

"Nice, thank you for sparing me this interrogation, I guess," I rolled my eyes. 

"Hey! Don't roll your eyes in front of me. We're just worried the dean will catch you in the halls. So this is serious? Like I mean with Jennie Kim?" 

"If it wasn't serious, I wouldn't jeopardize my job,"

"So what are you going to do? But honestly, if you just stay lowkey until she graduates, I think it should pass. Well, announcing that your girlfriend is a former student of yours isn't always easy to say,"

"I really don't care what people are thinking. It's not like I chose to fall in love. If I could control my feelings, I wouldn't have ventured down that road," it was my turn to get up and make myself a second cup of coffee. This short conversation had given me a headache and I needed to stay awake because tonight I was still prepping for my finals, "Anyway, what are you two still doing here?", but I didn't get any response from them. Thinking they had already left, I turned my head to look behind me only to find them with a weird smile, "What?"

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