Chapter 38 : Find the werewolf

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It's Saturday morning. Saturday morning means sleeping in, hanging out in your pajamas all day and having breakfast in bed. Saturday morning doesn't mean a raving lunatic who's been ringing the doorbell for the past five minutes with no intention of giving up until the door is opened. But if I was home, my mom or dad would have checked to see who was there except that I wasn't at my place. I barely opened my eyes, rolling over myself in the thick blanket. I put my hands over my ears but it didn't seem to cover the incessant noise. I gropped around the bed to find another body that was none other than Lisa. 

Oh yeah, I remember now. 

Yesterday, I was a horny teenager who couldn't control herself and I ended up the night in her bed. I hope we didn't break anything on the way from the living room to the bedroom because I remember having her cock deep in my throat and a few seconds later I had her balls deep in my pussy. 

The person kept ringing the doorbell, even increasing the speed. In vain, the person finally stopped. The apartment returned to quiet, however, it didn't last long when Lisa's phone started ringing. 

"Lisa, your phone," I tiredly said, shaking her arm. I managed to open my eyes to see her lying on her stomach. It seemed I wasn't the only one who was annoyed by the noise, since she had hidden her head under her pillow holding it tight so that she could cover her ears.

"Not now," I could slightly discern that the pillow was smothering what she was saying. 

I could very well have done what she did, which is to ignore the phone that kept ringing, except that the person at the door started ringing again. If neither of us got up, no one could go back to sleep. So I sacrificed myself to get out of the comfortable bed where Lisa was still lying lifeless. Well it was partly my fault for having exhausted her so much but my libido was on fire yesterday. 

Walking like a barely-covered zombie, I dragged my feet to the door. That person better have a good excuse to wake me up on a Saturday morning. Although I wasn't fully awake, I was able to throw away the keychain that was hanging under the mirror. 

It may be small, but it hurts.

"Yeah yeah I'm coming, jeez. Do you know what waiting means?" I shouted as I turned the doorknob. I opened the door to find an enraged woman with features similar to Lisa. She was wearing a burgundy velvet dress with a black blazer covering her shoulders. The bag she was holding was ridiculous since you could barely fit a phone in.

"You!" she pointed her finger at me in an accusatory tone, forcing me to step back until we reached the living room, "You're the one who made my daughter change!"

"Good morning to you too, Ma'am," I replied sarcastically, not even a little scared. I mean, how do you expect to be scared of a woman wearing an outfit you'd only wear to a gala event? 

"Where's my daughter?" 

"Sleeping?" she walked to the room knocking her black heels on the floor. She stormed into the room and startled Lisa, who was completely naked. I was behind her mother admiring this body that I rode all night.

"So Suzy was right! You are sleeping with your student! Are you out of mind, Lisa Manoban?!" I leaned against the frame of the door with a grin on my face, enjoying the show her mother was putting on. Lisa stretched out her arm to grab her shirt on the floor and put it on at her ease.

"Jennie baby, get me a pair of shorts from the dresser please. The bottom drawer," I walked past her mother who had her fists clenched and took turns shooting at us. I threw it at her and she put it under the blanket which made me laugh a lot because it didn't look easy for her this morning.

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