Chapter 34 : Listen to me

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Time flew by as we were already starting our second day in this peaceful place, which we would reluctantly have to leave tomorrow in the late afternoon. This day was productive in terms of discovering monuments. I never imagined that a part of the world could abound with so many wonders, it was so beautiful that it was hard to believe. 

I was finally able to visit the Fushimi Inari sanctuary, whose pictures I had only the possibility to admire on the Internet, but when I got there, it was totally different or even incomparable to what I could expect. The beauty of the place offered visitors a hike along a valley lined with porticoes. The least I can say is that at the end of two hours of walking, my feet were screaming for help that I had told myself that it was impossible for me to continue the day. Thank goodness the professors had planned lighter activities for us, for which I am very grateful.

I had plenty of time to visit the city. My friends and I went to the small local shops that were usually run by senior people, very friendly, which reminded me of my grandmother who passed away more than five years ago. 

The Polaroid I bought myself last year finally had its use. I spent my time capturing every moment I was living, hoping one day to be able to go back to it. 

We ended with a treasure hunt, forming four teams with four professors as captains. The teams were formed at random by drawing lots, and the same for the captains. I was happy to be with Sana because I wasn't in the mood to socialize and get to know other students. It's not like I needed them, especially since I wasn't going to see them again after graduation. 

Coincidentally, I didn't end in Lisa's. For once, I was relieved because I needed some time to process all these revelations that I had just found out about. You could say I'm dramatic, but when something new happens to you, it can be scary. I didn't even mention it to Yeeun since she's the first one to raise the assumption. Maybe I didn't do it because I didn't want to hear the I told you.

Those few hours without her presence made it easier for me. I ended up really enjoying the activity and expecting it to be lame, but the students I was with were great but nothing more. 

Night had already fallen when we went back to our place. It was our last night in Kyoto so Soojin and Daewhi suggested we go to the nearby store to get some alcohol but traditional from the area. 

"Who's coming with me?" Daewhi asked while putting his shoes back on.

"Me!" Yeeun jumped from the traditional wooden table where some snacks were already laid out on plastic plates. They had planned everything since we had landed. Sana and Soojin kept stealing a few crisps as they refilled the plates. They had already arranged the glasses in a straight line on the kitchen counter. They acted like they hadn't had a drink in years. And although I liked the idea of getting drunk on foreign booze, I wasn't really up for it tonight.

Because I probably had other plans.

"You want something aside than booze?" she asked at me with Daewhi leaning on the frame of the door, waiting for her to put on her shoes. 

"No, I'm fine," I simply smiled but she noticed that I wasn't very fine but she dropped the subject for now but I should be ready because I won't escape her questions for long. 

I decided to go to my room at the back of the house. Mine was to the left of the communal bathroom. The first thing I did when I entered the room was to close the windows since I had ventilated for about fifteen minutes. It was refreshing, especially with the lavender scent that surrounded the whole house.

I laid on the bed holding my phone above me trying to distract myself by looking at what was on the social media only my finger was still heading to my messages. Lisa's name was displayed, I wanted to click on it and send her a text except I didn't want to look desperate. The funny thing is that before, I wouldn't give a damn. But now I was paying attention to everything from my appearance. 

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