Chapter 25 : The real enemy

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Coffee machines were a big hit in the teachers' room. The school had to invest quite a few times despite selecting only the big brands, but it was never enough here. We were more than a hundred professors who needed a dose of caffeine, especially in the morning. I quickly gave up the idea of queuing for an espresso for fear of being late for my own class. So I bring my own coffee in a thermostat and the problem is solved. 

While Rosé finished photocopying her sheets, Jisoo and I were sitting near the library with our reports under our arms. Indeed, today the students were receiving their first report. It wasn't official, but it indicated the evolution and shortcomings the student was facing. Thanks to it, it allowed them to work on the skills not acquired in order to reach the level at the end of the year. And when I reread the reports, I was quite proud of my class. Most of them were on the right track. Not all the subjects were in the required level, but it wasn't a big deal. They had time to improve if they worked now.

"How was your holiday by the way? We didn't hang out before the holidays and you only informed me and Rosie that you'd be staying in Thailand for a few days," she finished typing her message to tell Rosé that we were near the library.

"Nothing new. I went back to my house in Chiang Mai and rested, that's it," I diverted my eyes so she couldn't see that I was totally lying about it. But Jisoo didn't need to see my expression that she knew I wasn't telling her the strict truth. I'm sure all our close friends have that lie detector.

"You're lying," 

"How?" she moved her chair closer to mine and looked around to see if there was anyone there. She acted as if she was going to tell me something classified, as if the government couldn't hear us or we would be in big trouble.

"Rosé heard some students talking. They would have seen you at the airport with Jennie Kim," she whispered loudly like she wanted to slap me to slip and put in place my brain. But my survival instinct told me to keep making up an excuse in case she would buy it. But my instincts didn't know how smart Jisoo was.

"Nothing strange. I was coming back from vacation and so was she. We ran into each other at the airport and we talked for a few minutes," I took a sip of my coffee because my throat had suddenly become dry with the topic. If Rosé would hurry up so I could retreat in my classroom and avoid her questions, that'd be cool. 

"It's no coincidence that she was there. Although the group of people who talked about it don't get along with Jennie's group, I know there is some truth in it. Especially when we know what's going on between you two!"

"Can you keep quiet?" I put my hand on her mouth. She was nearly shouting and luckily we were alone there. 

"So that's true? Holy shit! How did it happen?" 

I sighed. 

How to explain this extraordinary adventure, leaving aside the big details?

"She followed me. She found a way to get in the same flight and I ended in Chiang Mai with her," I've said what's most important to know but she looked like she wasn't ready to stop with that. 

"And? You let her?"

"What else could I do? She had never been to Thailand, she didn't know the country or the language," I tried to give every possible argument. Come to think of it, I had no heart to let her crash like a lost person at the airport. Anyone would have reacted like me, right?

"Dude, that's a shitty excuse," she gave that you-know-there-were-others-ways-so-don't-take-me-for-an-idiot look.

"Can we talk about other things, such as asking me about the success rate in my class or whether they found out who cheated on the science exam," 

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