Chapter 29 : Past is back

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First reaction I got from my friends when I told them the news. Actually, I think I had the same reaction except I don't remember. I just don't really know what to think. I mean, our relationship ended well and it was a mutual agreement. But maybe I didn't imagine seeing him here and now because it wasn't what I expected. Not that his presence is bothering, but he's someone I thought I'd never meet again. 

My first boyfriend. 

Now my ex.

Jinyoung and I met in college. It's important for me to point out that I was different from the Jennie Kim that people knew. I was innocent and pure, which didn't last long. But I still managed to find a boyfriend I went to my first dance with and had my first kiss. Our relationship never went any further than holding hands and a few kisses that already made us blush at the time. We were young and we both had ambitions. Maybe that's why we got along, but it's also why we broke up. I had nothing to reproach this guy, he was respectful especially when we were together. Jinyoung was the perfect material boyfriend that everyone dreamed of having. I felt happy and proud, and so did my parents. They loved him, I know because they talked about marriage when we were just teenagers in the middle of puberty. Their displeasure when I told them we were breaking up had not gone unnoticed. It was as if I had missed the opportunity to establish a stable life with a stable man and start a stable family. But that wasn't my goal, and fortunately neither was Jinyoung.

I still remember that day. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, I was sitting on the bench while Jinyoung was lining up in front of the ice cream truck. He had called me to meet him at the park because he wanted to talk to me about something important. He was so pale due to his nervousness that he almost dropped his scoop of ice cream from his cone. I wasn't stressed or excited to hear what he had said. I don't think I gave a damn what happened. Probably I was starting to change and see things differently.

And suddenly he told me that he was studying abroad, in Los Angeles to be precise. He and his family were moving at the end of the month. Waiting for me to react or tell him something, I could see him anxious and he was probably wondering if I was going to slap him and let him crash with his ice cream cone. 

But the only thing I said to him was, "good luck, I'm proud of you. I'll miss you, I won't forget you." He said the same thing to me and we kissed as if to say goodbye. Strangely, neither of us had run away. After that walk, I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I knew then that I would spend the best years of my life.

"Don't tell me he took literature," 

"Is he handsome?"

"This year is definitely excited," 

"Good luck Jennie Kim," 

These are the only things my dear friends could get out. We were sitting on the bench waiting for the next class. The students passed by looking at us with a suspicious look because we were grouped together, our heads were almost touching each other, not allowing others to know what was being said, we were seen as a kind of sect.

"No, Jinyoung told me he was in cinematography. His building is right behind ours, where all the hipsters exit,"

"Is he handsome?" Daewhi repeated a second time the question that I tried to subtly ignore. I wasn't jealous that people thought he was handsome or that they thought of hitting on him because I had no feelings towards him. He was just a great guy who didn't deserve to have his feelings played with.

"Yes but don't even think to go near him, he's kind. I want him to find a sweet girl because he don't deserve bitch like you," Daewhi stuck his tongue out at me with a vexed look on his face when we both know how unserious he is about relationships. Besides, he particularly makes guys like Jinyoung uncomfortable very quickly.

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