Chapter 10 : I did it

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I had the best sex in my life. I said to myself again.

That's the first thing I said to myself when I woke up this morning. I still hadn't recovered from the fabulous intense session of the private lesson. No memory of the authors and works we had discussed but only the moans and screams were spinning in my head. I was like a little flower that bloomed in the sun on the first day of spring. I had regained that energy that I had lost for a long time and now I was glowing.

For once, I was excited to go to class because I had things to tell my friends. Since Saturday, I kept the news to myself even though they began to suspect that something had happened. Concerning Ms. Manoban, after she almost tore my pussy - I can't still believe she got a dick, a huge one - we fell into a deep sleep. We hadn't talked about it since, but I think we were both satisfied.

Let me give you some advice. People who are thinking about dieting, eating healthy and playing a sport - having sex - at least 30 minutes a day, guaranteed results. At the end of the session, you will feel that every part of your body has worked out. 

Excited, I jumped in the shower while singing. I was eager to see the reaction of my friends when I tell them the news, I mean there are many revelations and I don't know which one is the most shocking. 

The university was another society and quite special. I met the same people every day but sometimes there were people I had never seen before. The campus was huge so it was impossible to know everyone. Also, each department had its own area and it was rare for the two students from different sections to spend time together. It was not a form of discrimination but rather a conflict of schedules. 

I spotted my group of friends from afar. They were sitting at our usual table where no one else dared to come and ask to join us unless he or she wanted to risk his or her life. The people crawling around in that cafeteria always bothered me, especially when these stupid kids were much too curious and none of their business.

"Jen!" Sana waved at me. I was already grinning and I could see their confused face. I walked towards them with confidence since I was a sexy woman. Keep in mind, if you don't see what you're worth, no one will do it for you.

Some guys that I don't even know their names were gawking as I walked past them. They were just virgins seeing their faces, it wasn't hard to figure it out.

"What's with that smirk? Did something good happen during your weekend or what?" Soojin asked while eating her healthy sandwich. This girl had been careful with her figure since birth. She was all the more dangerous with the men who courted her, she first accepted the gifts and then coldly rejected them. That's why she was known as the heartbreaker.

"Yeah I'm curious too," Yeeun placed her hand under her chin waiting for my explanation. I may not have told them anything, but they always knew that I was hiding something.

"I think we are all curious so be quick before I shoved those french fries in your throat," Daewhi hissed. He was an impatient hoe as always. 

"Hey! Don't touch my food bitch!" Sana protected her junky food and glared at him. There isn't a day they don't bicker.

"Actually I'd rather have something else in my throat," that simple state makes them shut their mouth up. They looked dumber than before, I rolled my eyes seeing that they were slow on the uptake. 

"Wait... hadn't you had private lessons with Ms. Manoban on Saturday?" surprisingly Sana was the first to make the link because she was usually the last one to understand what was being explained.

Bad lust - JENLISAΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα